

Can vomiting cause popped eye vessel?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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it could if you strained your eye too much. it could be an eye issue you should see a doctor. Or if you had a stomach bug and vomited then its ok hope you feel betterit could if you strained your eye too much. it could be an eye issue you should see a doctor. Or if you had a stomach bug and vomited then its ok hope you feel better

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Q: Can vomiting cause popped eye vessel?
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It is probably a burst blood vessel. A burst blood vessel in the eye can be caused by coughing, laughing, vomiting, or anything that puts pressure on the eye/face itself. Staying up late will never be the cause. It should not hurt, should not impair your vision, and should clear up in about a week (if not, go see a doctor).

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its a vessel in your eye. its a vessel in your eye.

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Violent sneezes and coughs can cause broken eye vessels.

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most likely depends how bad the choking was

If you have a burst blood vessel in the eye can you exercise?

yes you can it doesn't affect anything yes you can exersize

Can you pop a blood vessel in your eye by sneezing?

Hello :) Yes, you can cough, sneeze, bend over, or rub it and they can pop. It will get better and no need to see a doctor its just looks worse than it is. There is no way of healing the popped blood vessel as far as im aware of.

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There are many things that can cause someone to go blind. I'm completely blind in my eye. It could be because of a vessel behind the eye that popped. I'm not an eye doctor so I'm unsure about this one. Most common and most important cause is Diabetic Retinopathy. It occurs in long standing diabetics- controlled or uncontrolled. That is why diabetics are advised yearly retina check up. Eye complications of hypertension and severe eye injury are the other causes.

What do you do if your eye has a popped vain?

go to the hospital