

Can you sweat out your urine?

Updated: 6/16/2024
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13y ago

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Sweat and urine have many similarities: we secrete sweat, but we excrete urine.

Sweat is the body's way of regulating two things: temperature, and salt levels. A thin layer of liquid evaporates on the skin, helping us to cool down when we get too hot. The same fluid releases excess sodium out of the body, which is why sweat can smell salty.

Urine, on the other hand, is produced as part of our cells' energy cycle. It consists mostly of water, plus soluble crystals of waste material: mostly a chemical called urea, which helps carry excess nitrogen out of the body, and which gives urine its name.

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13y ago
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Chadd Merrigan

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2y ago
Everyone knows that sweat comes from your skin and pee comes from your bladder. The question is obviously wondering about how similar the liquids are to each other.
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1mo ago

No, sweat and urine are produced by different processes in the body. Sweat is primarily water with some minerals, while urine is a waste product filtered from the blood by the kidneys. Sweat is excreted through pores in the skin, while urine is excreted through the bladder.

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16y ago

No. Neither does sweating and ecretiion through the kidneys have the same function in the body. The formation of urine in the kidneys is necessary to rid the body of toxic waste. Most of this nitrogenous waste is converted by the kidneys into a chemical called urea which is removed during urination. Other substances are also excreted, but urea makes up the bulk of the dissolved substances in urine. Sweating, however, serves a different function. Whilst some toxic waste can be lost through sweating, this is minor compared with that lost by urination. The main function of sweating is to cool the skin and hence the body as it evaporates. If you dip a finger in a liquid like nail varnish remover, that evaporates quickly, when you remove it you will feel your finger getting cold as the nail varnish remover absorbs energy from your finger to be able to evaporate. Sweat on the skin's surface does the same thing. As you sweat, it absorbs heat from the skin as it evaporates, and cools the skin. This in turn cools the blood passing through the skin, which in turn cools the body during hot weather. You can see the effect of this when you go swimming. When in the water, even on a warm day, you will feel warm. But when you get out of the water, the water on the skin's surface begins to evaporate and you usually feel colder than when in the water. Some animals, like dogs, do not sweat. Instead they have to remove excess heat from the body by panting.

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12y ago

NO. One day me and my friend where going to cheeleading as soon as it got finish her brother was sweating cuse he plays foot and she said to her brother that sweat is pee i said no it isnt her mom said yes she is kindaa right and i said ok the next day my friends told me no it issnt urine and sweat are to defferent thing i belive

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Terry Parker

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2y ago

There is more urea in sweat than pee. Sweat is the urine of your skin. Very little difference chemically.

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12y ago

HAHAHAHHAAA! Monkey butts smell like both so the answer is YES. ~

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Chelsea Copeland

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1y ago
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Chelsea Copeland

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15y ago

Yeah, urine is sweat. So, dont be afraid, its fine. We all sweat and we all urine. Its natural.

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12y ago

Yes cause researchers said that your penis is connect to your sweat glands

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13y ago

not exactly but your sweat may contain some traces of urine. So you decide

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12y ago

No. sweat comes from glands in your skin and is excreted to keep you cool. urine is waste

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How does water exit the body?

Water exits the body primarily through urine, sweat, and exhalation. Urine is produced by the kidneys and eliminated through the bladder, while sweat is released through the sweat glands in the skin. Exhalation removes water vapor from the lungs as we breathe out.

What are the waste products of the human body?

The main waste products of the human body are carbon dioxide, urine, and feces. Carbon dioxide is produced during respiration, urine is filtered by the kidneys to remove toxins and excess substances from the blood, and feces contain undigested food and waste from the digestive system.

What kind of salts are in human sweat?

Human sweat contains mainly sodium chloride (table salt), as well as small amounts of additional minerals like potassium, magnesium, and calcium. These salts help maintain the body's electrolyte balance and play a role in regulating fluid levels and muscle function.

Are butterflies attracted to urine and feces?

Yes, butterflies are known to be attracted to substances such as sweat, urine, and feces due to the salts and minerals they contain. This behavior is more common in tropical regions where resources may be limited.

What is the difference between urine and tears?

Urine is a waste product filtered from blood by the kidneys, while tears are produced by the lacrimal glands to protect and lubricate the eyes. Urine is primarily made up of water, electrolytes, and waste products, whereas tears contain water, salts, proteins, and enzymes. Urine is excreted through the urinary system, while tears drain through the tear ducts.

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Can you sweat THC out of your urine?

Yes, THC is excreted through urine, sweat, and feces. However, the amount passed through sweat is minimal compared to urine. Therefore, sweating alone is unlikely to significantly impact THC levels in urine.

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No, it is not urine. However, both sweat and urine contain many of the same elements, including water and urea.

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Water, Salt, and Urea

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Water exits the body primarily through urine, sweat, and exhalation. Urine is produced by the kidneys and eliminated through the bladder, while sweat is released through the sweat glands in the skin. Exhalation removes water vapor from the lungs as we breathe out.

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What is difference between sweat and urine?

Sweat is produced by sweat glands in response to heat, exercise, or stress and helps regulate body temperature. Urine is produced by the kidneys to remove waste and excess substances from the body. Sweat is mainly composed of water and salts, while urine also contains waste products like urea and creatinine.

Do Hamsters sweat milk?

Yes, it is very common that Hamsters sweat sometimes even in their urine ( PEE ) .

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Very little sweat and urine is not a structural adaptation. It only means your body is dehydrated and that all the fluid is being absorbed. If it is only no urine, there may be a problem with your urethra. Not urinating is very bad for the body as toxins build up in the body therefore, very little sweat and urine is not a structural adaptation.

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No, but it will give your sweat, urine, and feces a pungent, garlicky odor.

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