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Q: Carrots in salt would it be hyptonic or hypertonic?
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How salt effects water?

Since salt water is hypertonic to the plant cell, the water would move into the hypertonic solution (extracellular) and out of the hypotonic plant cell. The cells would lose water and it would die.

What would happen to a houseplant if you water it with salt water hypertonic solution?

It will die.

Is the cell below in a hypertonic or hypotonic?

Hypotonic means higher amount of h20 and hypertonic means a smaller amount of h20. If the cell was for example in saltwater and it isn't meant to live in salt water, the inside of the cell would be hypotonic and outside would be hypertonic

What kind of solution occurs in your mouth when you eat something with salt?

hypertonic solution

What would happen to your cells if you were to drink salt water from the Pacific Ocean?

Because ocean water has a higher salt content that your cells (hypertonic), they would shrivel slightly.

What are examples of hypertonic foods?

hypertonic foods are those with heavy salt, oil, sugar or honey content.

Which has more salt in it a hypertonic isotonic or hypotonic solution?

Yes, for us. Most vertebral life has been set at .9 percent for about 250 million years, and sea water is about 3 percent. But there are many life forms that are isotonic with sea water (the invertebrates of the oceans).

Is a potato in salt water Hypertonic hypotonic or isotonic?

Hypertonic. This is because the water has a higher concentration of solutes than the potato.


When there is more salt around the cell than in the cell

Is a 2 percent salt solution hypertonic or hypotonic to a 4 percent salt solution?


What kind of solution causes the cell to shrink?

salt water. this will cause the cell to lose it's water osmotically resulting in it becoming plasmolysedA hypertonic solution

What will happen to a cell dropped into a solution of hypertonic salt water?

A cell immersed is a hypertonic solution will tend to lose water to the solution and shrink.