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Q: Chromosomes detach from one another and become visibly separated during?
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The chromatids detach from one another and become visibly separate chromosomes during?

The chromatids detach from one another and become visibly separate chromosomes during anaphase. Chromatids that are attached at the centromere are called sister kind of chromatids.

What is true about binary fission?

as the cell grows, the chromosomes become separated.

What statement about the process of binary fission is true?

as the cell grows, the chromosomes become separated.

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The chromosomes detach from one another and become visibly separated during?

The Anaphase stage of Mitosis. The proteins that bind the sister chromatids are split so they become seperated. Then the centromeres, along with the attached chromosomes, start to be pulled apart towards opposite ends of the cell.

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To become separated at the joints.To become separated at the joints.To become separated at the joints.To become separated at the joints.To become separated at the joints.To become separated at the joints.

The phase of mitosis during which chromosomes become visible and the centrioles seperate from one another is?


What is the relationship between chromosomes and chromatids?

Chromosomes are the condensed and replicated form of DNA. The two identical halves of the chromosomes are known as sister chromatids. Before division, while the chromatids are still attached, they form one chromosome. However, when anaphase (i.e the stage when chromosomes split) starts and they are separated, the two chromatids on the opposite poles of the cell become complete chromosomes.

In which phase do chromosomes become visible?

The DNA of a cell condenses to form chromosomes during cell division or mitotis, called the M phase of the cell cycle. Specifically, chromosomes acquire their characteristic X shape in the metaphase stage of mitotis. Each chromosome consists of two sister chromatids joined at the centromere.

The phase of mitosis during wich chromosomes become visible and the centrioles separate from one another is?


When phase of mitosis do chromosomes first become distinguishable from one another?

in the late prophase this phenomenon occur

What happens to the particles in a salt as they dissolve in water?

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