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Alike:Plant and animal cells have cell membranes, endoplasmic reticulums, nuclei, cytoplasm, mitochondria, Golgi apparati, lysosomes, and ribosomes.


Plant cells have cell walls and animals do not.

Plant cells have central vacuoles.

There are more lysosomes in an animal cell than a plant cell.

Plant cells are rigid.

Plant cells have chloroplasts.

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12y ago
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12y ago

A plant cell has a large central vacuole, which stores water and nutrients. They also have chloroplasts which are the site of photosynthesis.

Both plant and animal cells have a nucleus, which controls the cellular functions, and cytoplasm.

Plant cells have a cell membrane and a cell wall, while animal cells only have a cell membrane. The cell wall is rigid and thick, while the cell membrane is more flexible and is thinner.

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15y ago

Plant and animal cells contain pretty much the same things... such as: Cell Membrane (holds all of the cell pieces and fluids inside the cell and keeps any nasty things outside the cell) , Nucleus (helps control eating, movement, and reproduction... acts like the brain), Cytoplasm(fluid that fills a cell), Ribosomes (provides protein), Golgi Body, Lysosomes (digest things. They might be used to digest food or break down the cell when it dies.), Mitochondria ( takes in nutrients, breaks them down, and creates energy for the cell. ) Vacuole: storage bubbles found in cells Chloroplasts (food producers of the cell) You can find more on or just look on Google. Melissa Neal lol.... ha ha ha ha ha ha ha... silly.

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13y ago

Plant cells have Cell walls.

Plant cells are brick-like so they grow tall. Animal cells are spherical, so they can't support as much weight.

Plant cells have bigger vacuoles to hold more water and food. Animal cells have a much smaller one.

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10y ago

This answer compares and contrasts the features of a plant cell and an animal cell.

A plant cell has chloroplasts. These are the instruments in which photosynthesis occurs (the process of plants making their own food), and where the pigment chlorophyll comes from, which makes the plant green. An animal cell has no chloroplasts.

The animal cell has a cell membrane and the plant cell has a cell wall and a cell membrane. Both perform the same main function - they are a semipermeable membrane that controls the entry and exit of gases and substances to and from the cell.

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9y ago

Animal cells are without a definite shape but plant cells have definite shape because cell wall is present in plant cells and absent in animal cell.Plant cell has large vacuole, animal cell has very minute vacuoles in the cytoplasm.

Plant cells have plastids animal cells do not.

Animal cell has a centriole, plant cell do not have centriole.

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9y ago

Animal cells are without a definite shape but plant cells have definite shape because cell wall is present in plant cells and absent in animal cell.Plant cell has large vacuole, animal cell has very minute vacuoles in the cytoplasm.

Plant cells have plastids animal cells do not.

Animal cell has a centriole, plant cell do not have centriole.

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14y ago

they are very alike and different

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Q: Compare and contrast animal cells plant cells?
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