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Q: Compared to a skin cell a muscle cell is likely to have more?
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What cell have more mitochondria a muscle cell or egg cell?


Which cell has more mitochondria a muscle cell or a skin cell?

Muscle cells have thousands more mitochondria.

What cell of the human body has more mitchondria a muscle cell or skin cell?

A muscle cell

Which type of cell would have more mitochondria an egg cell or muscle cell?

muscle cell

What is the difference between a stem and a muscle cell?

A stem cell, if put near a muscle cell, will transform itself into more muscle cells. If a stem cell is put near the cell of an organ, it will "replicate" the cells of that organ. (if and only IF the stem cell is deemed compatible and has nutrients) A muscle cell if put near anything not muscle ... will do nothing (very likely will be killed/absorbed by the antibodies), if put near a muscle, it should try to integrate itself into working in tandem with that muscle.

What kind of cell in the human body has more mitochondria muscle cell or skin cell?

The muscle cell, as they require more energy than other cells.

If you were to compare a muscle cell of an active person to an inactive person what is the difference in the cell?

If the muscle cell in question is part of a muscle the active person uses regularly, the cell will be bigger and have more nuclei than a less active muscle cell.

Which cell contains more mitochondria?

muscle cell

Who has more nuclei per cell skeletal muscle or cardiac muscle?

which has more nuclei per cell skeletal muscle or cardiac muscle? I guess that they both have the same number of nuclei.

What cells are expected to have more mitochondria?

the more active the cell is, the mitochondria it has. so therefore muscle cells have alot of mitochondria as compared to fat storing cells

Which kind of cell in the human body would have more mitochondria- a muscle cell or a skin cell?

Muscle cells have more mitochondria because they require more energy to contract than skin cells.

Which kind of cell in the human body do you think would have more mitochondria- a muscle or a skin cell?
