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food chain

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Q: Complex feeding patterns for consumers in an ecosystem are called?
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Ecologists study feeding patterns to learn how energy flows with an?


What in A network of complex interactions formed by feeding relationship among the various organisms in an ecosystem?


What is the of all the feeding relationships in a habitat called?

Feeding relationships in an ecosystem are both simplistic and complex at the same time. Green plants begin the relationship and are known as producers. Animals are known as consumers because they eat and process the green plants. Consumers can be primary or secondary and that can be broken down even further to tertiary and quaternary consumers.

What is is the complex network of many interconnected food chains and feeding relationships?

All the interconnected feeding relationships in an ecosystem make up a food web. Food webs consist of many food chains.

What is a model used to show the feeding relationship between a single producer and a chain of consumers in an ecosystem?

It is called a food chain. Multiple food chains create a food web.

Name the three energy roles of organisms in an ecosystem?

The three energy roles in an ecosystem are producers, consumers, and decomposers. ;)

What is simplest feeding relationship in an ecosystem?


How is food chain related with ecosystem?

because of feeding relationship,organisms interact in the ecosystem

Why do ecologists study feeding patterns?

For biome

What gives an ecosystem its structure?

The web of relationships gives an ecosystem its structure and life. This will show the feeding relationships between producers, consumers and decomposers which will result into a balance in the ecosystem.

What are humans trophic level?

Actually,trophic level is feeding position of animals in food chain or food web in ecosystem. [ANIMALS WHICH CONSUME ENERGY CALLED AS CONSUMERS]They are classified as primary consumers [plant eaters are called herbivores] secondary consumers [flesh eaters are called carnivores] tertiary consumers [Eaters of both plants and flesh are called omnivores] RABBIT IS PRIMARY.SPIDER IS SECONDARY AND HUMANS ARE TERTIARY CONSUMERS

What do consumers obtain by feeding on other organisms?
