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The endoplasmic reticulum

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Q: Complex organeile that synthesizes carbohydrates and puts the finishing touches on protein synthesis?
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Related questions

What structure is responsible for synthesis of steroids?

The endoplasmic reticulum synthesizes steroids. It also synthesizes carbohydrates, lipids and is important for detoxification. They are abundant in the liver.

What is a polymerization process that forms complex carbohydrates?

The polymerization process that forms complex carbohydrates is called Dehydration Synthesis.

Are proteins formed by dehydration synthesis?

No; they are formed by translation. Carbohydrates are formed by dehydration synthesis.

Which best explains what a synthesis and response essay is?

it synthesizes earlier information and ends the essay

Is Catabolism driven by synthesis reactions?

Metabolism synthesizes. Catabolism breaks chemicals down, rather than putting them together.

Synthesis of carbohydrates and lipids occurs?

in the smooth ER

What is the difference bw logical and physical synthesis?

Logical synthesizes maps a register-transfer levelÊdescription to a set of gates. Physical synthesis implements a netlist on a floorplan and improves the quality of the design.

What cell organelle is where synthesis of protein occurs?

It occurs in the lysosome(s) of a cell to digest food substances.

What happened during g1 phase?

During G 1 phase, the cell grows in size and synthesizes mRNA and proteins that are required for DNA synthesis Cytoplasm is manufactured

What structure synthesizes?

The endoplasmic reticulum (ER), particularly the smooth ER is responsible in the synthesis of lipids. It also functions as the storage for calcium ions.

The smooth endoplasmic reticulum functions in synthesis of?

synthesizes lipids, phospholipids, and steroids (detoxifies drugs, alcohol, and poisons)

What would a cell with a great deal of rough ER most likely to be heavily involved in?

It synthesizes large quantities of lipids