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ACH is released at the end-plate potential. ACH diffuses into the sarcolemma, attaches to the receptors in the motor end plate and causes a change in the ions permeability that creates graded depolarization of the end-plate potential. Basically, it attaches to the receptors in the motor-end plate and creates the beginning process of triggering muscle contractions.

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1. Acetylcholine is released into the neuromuscular junction by the axonal terminal.

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Sodium-potassium pump is the process of sodium and potassium exchanges places in the cell. This is what causes a muscle contraction of a skeletal muscle cell.

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neurotransmitter release, motor neuron, action potential, muscle cell action potential, release of calcium ions from sarcoplasmic reticulum, ATP- driven power stroke

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Q: Contraction mechanism in a skeletal muscle cell?
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The axon terminals of a nerve cell and the sarcolemma of a skeletal muscle cell join at the?

Synaptic Cleft

What tissues cells shorten and exert force?

The cell of the muscle tissue shorten to exert force. These tissues will support movement of the various muscles in the by exerting force.

Does all body cells exhibit irritability to some extent?

Muscle cells are irritable and respond to stimuli. Muscle twitch is defined as contraction and relaxation in the muscle cell. The stimulus needs to be above a certain threshold for the muscle fibres to react. The more the stimulus, the greater the strength of the contraction.

How can smooth muscle contract if it has no striation or sarcomeres?

Actin and myosin are present in all three muscle types. In skeletal and cardiac muscle cells, these proteins are organized in sarcomeres, with thin and thick filaments. The internal organization of a smooth muscle cell is very different: • A smooth muscle fibre has no T tubules, and the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) forms a loose network throughout the sarcoplasm. Smooth muscle tissue has no myofibrils or sarcomeres. As a result, this tissue also has no striations and is called nonstriated muscle. • Thick filaments are scattered throughout the sarcoplasm of a smooth muscle cell. The myosin proteins are organized differently than in skeletal or cardiac muscle cells, and smooth muscle cells have more cross-bridges per thick filament. • The thin filaments in a smooth muscle cell are attached to dense bodies, structures distributed throughout the sarcoplasm in a network of intermediate filaments composed of the protein desmin. Some of the dense bodies are firmly attached to the sarcolemma. The dense bodies and intermediate filaments anchor the thin filaments such that, when sliding occurs between thin and thick filaments, the cell shortens. Dense bodies are not arranged in straight lines, so when a contraction occurs, the muscle cell twists like a corkscrew. • Adjacent smooth muscle cells are bound together at dense bodies, transmitting the contractile forces from cell to cell throughout the tissue. • Although smooth muscle cells are surrounded by connective tissue, the collagen fibres never unite to form tendons or aponeuroses as they do in skeletal muscles.

Where do we have a small store of glycogen?

Glycogen is primarily stored in the liver as well as in skeletal muscle, kidney and heart. A single muscle cell therefore is also a small store of glycogen.

Related questions

The final step involved in skeletal muscle contraction is?

The muscle cell relaxes and returns passively to its resting length

What are facts about a skeletal muscle cell?

A skeletal muscle cell is a cell of a skeletal muscle.

Which of cell type is specialized for contraction and generation of force?

The three types of muscle cells (cardiac, smooth and skeletal) fit this description.

Contraction mechanism in skeletal muscle cell?

The mechanism by which skeletal muscle tissue obtains ATP to fuel contractions is the sliding - filament hypothesis. Two filaments, actin and myosin, slide over one another during contraction.

Describe the events of muscle cell contraction?

6 steps in a muscle contraction

What role do nerves play in skeletal contraction?

When you think about moving your arm, your brain sends a signal down a nerve cell telling that muscle to contract. -

What is the advantage of having multiple nuclei in one skeletal muscle cell?

the ability to produce large amounts of the enzymes and structural proteins needed for contraction

Is Sketel Muscle an plant cell or a animal cell?

A skeletal muscle is an animal cell.

Which muscle tissue has several nuclei per cell?

Smooth muscle tissue

What organelle is found in large numbers in a skeletal muscle cell?

mitochondia is greater in number in skeletal muscle cells.

What are the tissues in skeletal muscle?

Skeletal muscle is made up of individual components known as muscle fibers. These fibers are formed from the fusion of developmental myoblasts (a type of embryonic progenitor cell that gives rise to a muscle cell). The myofibers (muscle fiber) are long, cylindrical, multinucleated cells composed of actin and myosinmyofibrils repeated as a sarcomere, the basic functional unit of the cell and responsible for skeletal muscle's striated appearance and forming the basic machinery necessary for muscle contraction. The term muscle refers to multiple bundles of muscle fibers held together by connective tissue. Wikipedia dude ...

What is each skeletal muscle cell known as?

straited muscle