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Cortical location refers to the notion that different functions are located or localized in different areas of the brain.

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Q: Cortical localization refers to the idea that?
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What is localization of function?

Refers to the specific areas of the brain that control specific skills or behaviors.

What does moderate generalized volume loss with prominence of the ventricles and cerebral cortical sulci mean?

The cerebral does moderate generalized volume loss with prominence of the ventricles and cerebral cortical sulci. It refers to the brain volume loss.

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Mild frontoparietal cortical atrophy is a condition characterized by shrinking of the frontal and parietal lobes of the brain. This can lead to symptoms such as difficulty with memory, problem-solving, and other cognitive functions. It is often associated with aging or neurodegenerative disorders.

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location of industries is sitting an industry in a particular place with the motive of reducing cost of production whiles localization of industries refers to a situation where a company concentrate its products towards a specific area attract demands for them.

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What is lateralization?

Lateralization refers to the function of the left or right sides of the brain.

What is the meaning of the word subcortical?

The term subcortical refers to structures or processes that lie beneath the cerebral cortex in the brain. These subcortical structures are involved in functions such as regulating emotions, motor control, and processing sensory information.

What is the function of the cortical artery?

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What is diffuse cortical dysfunction?

Cortical dysfunction refers to a problem with the cortex in the brain. It is the part of the brain that controls motor function. This kind of problem is seen with people who have Alzheimer's Disease.

When did Localization Industry Standards Association end?

Localization Industry Standards Association ended in 2011.

When was Localization Industry Standards Association created?

Localization Industry Standards Association was created in 1990.

What is local?

Protein localization is the process of figuring out where in a cell a particular protein is located. If you want some insight into the function of a protein its always a good idea to know where it is in your cell and when i.e. the protein's location. Most proteins have N-terminal sequences that, in one way or another, tells the cell where to send the proteins its just made. For example, the protein may be directed towards the cell membrane ready for secretion. A common protein localization technique is to fuse a protein with a florescent amino acid sequence which the protein then drags about with it giving away its location to a florescent sensitive microscope. This can even be done in real time.