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Q: Could someone explain the physiology of renal colic?
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Related questions

What is a collok for horses?

I think you mean Colic. Colic is pretty much a stomach ache for horses. But it could be life threatening if left untreated. Horses can't vomit so they get colic.

Why did Milton the horse die?

According to Horse & Hound, Milton passed away from colic. He had colic surgery before and survived, but this time he could not fight it off. : (

What could be the cause of colic in babies?

Discover why your baby is gassy and try our home remedies for colic in babies. Get instant solutions and visit us now @ Happitummi

Why is your infant crying at bedtime?

If the child cries every night at bedtime, it could have colic. Colic will normally resolve itself in time. The important thing for the parent to do is be patient.

What is spasmotic colic?

Colic is the term for abdominal pain of any origin. Spasmotic colic is colic thought to be caused by intense cramps or 'spasms' of the intestines.

Is canned cooked hominy harmful to horses?

It is not advisable to feed a horse canned cooked hominy, this is due to the risk of colic. At the very least it could cause a digestive upset that leads to diarrhea at worse it could lead to a fatal bout of colic.

What is wrong with a horse that doesn't eat and looks at its sides?

Could be colic, but should be checked by a veterinarian

How tall is Zdravko Colic?

Zdravko Colic is 184 cm.

When a horse is biting its sides pawing the ground and groaning it might have a case of?

Now, I could be wrong, but it sounds to me like maybe, colic?

What doese a horse have when it paws the ground looks at its sides and lays downis it spasmotic colic or impaction colic?

impaction colic

What if your horse is picking at her stomach?

Discomfort in the stomach area - could be mild colic. I would consult a vet.

Is colic a risk with preterm infants?

Colic is a risk to any infant. Colic causes gas that is unbearable which causes the baby to cry excessively