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Q: DNA compacts itself by wrapping around what?
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DNA wrapping around histones is an example of what type of packaging process?

vacuum deflation

How does DNA make itself more compact?

wrapping tightly around associated proteins

How cells manage to package the DNA inside the nucleus?

it coils and compacts together

Is DNA made if chromosomes?

No. DNA is what chromosomes are made of. DNA is wound around proteins like thread on a spool, but since DNA is one long"string", the DNA is wound around many protein "spools", all of which are connected by DNA. This string of DNA/protein "thread on spools" is wound around itself, and wound around itself, and wound around itself a lot more, then (after a pretty intricate process) Wala! You have a chromosome.

Explain how DNA compacts before a eukaryotic cell divides?

it wraps around the proteins(P.S. this also says this in yoour textbook, if you can't find the answer.)

What the structure of DNA?

DNA has both primary and secondary structures, on a primary level it is made up of three main molecules a sugar and phosphate group backbone and attached to this backbone on of the four nitrogen bases. On a secondary level the sugar phosphate and necleotides run anti parallel to another strand of DNA and form a helical structure by wrapping around itself and is held together by hydrogen bonds.

Is the chromosome of a bacterium wrapped around proteins?

In order to fit within a cell, DNA becomes more compact by wrapping tightly around associated proteins. Chromatids are duplicate halves of a chromosome.

How does DNA makea itself more compact?

It wraps around histones and coils into a fiber

What structure into which DNA arranges itself?

DNA arranges itself into a double helix.

A characteristic of a DNA molecule that is not a characteristic of a protein molecule is that the DNA molecule?

A characteristic of a DNA molecule that is not characteristic of a protein molecule is that the DNA molecule can replicate itself.

What DNA code can make a copy of itself?

A gene is the DNA code that can make a copy of itself.

Which DNA code can make a copy of itself?

The universal DNA code can make a copy of itself.