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Q: DNA encodes enzymes so it is possible for an individual to have a genetic disorder that causes them to lack a specific enzyme?
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What is the molecule that encodes the genetic code?


What encodes heriditary information?

DNA molecules

The first codon to be deciphered was?

UUU and it encodes phenylalanine

What do genes encode?

Genes encode the instructions for building proteins, which are the primary functional molecules in cells. These proteins determine the structure and function of cells, tissues, and organs in an organism. Additionally, genes also regulate gene expression, cell processes, and overall development.

What disorder affects the gene for the tau protein in cases of Pick disease?

The gene encodes a scaffold protein that maintains the shape of brain neurons by stabilizing cellular microtubules. Mutations to the tau protein cause it to form clumps and limit its ability to assemble microtubules

What is the definition of computer programmer?

A person who encodes machine software.

What is Rec A gene?

that is a gene which encodes for the rec protein A in agrobacterium

Is pdf raster or vector based?

Yes, partially. PDF encodes fonts and EPS graphics that are vector based. It also encodes images, in JPG format for example, which are raster based.

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What contains their own DNA which encodes some of their proteins?

Chloroplasts; Mitochondrion

What is a self transmissible plasmid?

A plasmid which encodes genes for its own transfer.