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It is said that in meiosis, the daughter cells are not identical, cause the daughters cells have a combination of both parents' chromosomes. In the cell cycle they are identical.

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Q: Daughter cells are identical to parent cell?
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How do the daughter cells compare to parent cells?

Daughter cells are identical to the parent cell.

Is identical diploid daughter cells mitosis?

mitosis ends with 2 identical daughter cells and meiosis ends with 4 non-identical sister chromatids.

What process produces daughter cells that are genetically identical to there parent cells?

This process is called cell division or mitosis.

Which best describes the daughter cells produced by mitosis?

The daughter cells produced by mitosis and cytokinesis are genetically identical.

What is the result when a cell undergoes mitosis?

A mitotic division results in the formation of two daughter cells that are identical to the parent cell. The parent cell divides into the two daughter cells. The newly formed cells have diploid number of chromosomes (just like the parent cell)

What type of cell division results in cells that are genetically identical?

Daughter cells are identical to their parent cells in mitosis. During this form of cell division, somatic cells separate into two identical daughter cells.

How are daughter cell like the parent cell?

In mitosis, daughter cells are exactly like the parent cell (identical copies). In meiosis, daughter cells are different but similar in the fact that the chromosomes have undergone crossing over, giving genetic variability. Thus producing a "recombined" daughter cell and essentially not identical to the parent cell.

How does the genetic make up of cells that results from mitosis differ from the parent cell?

Mitosis followed by cytokinesis results in two genetically identical, diploid daughter cells. Meiosis followed by cytokinesis results in four genetically non-identical, haploid daughter cells.

How do the events of the cell cycle ensure that the daughter cells will be identical to the parent cell?


How do daughter cells at the end of mitosis compare to parent cells at the beginning?

The daughter cells have the same # of chromosomes & the same amount of DNA

What is the difference in DNA between parent call and daughter cells?

A cell that undergoes mitosis, such as a bacteria cell, splits to create an identical cell (daughter cell) that has identical DNA. So, when a cells split to multiply and grow, there DNA is the same, unless a mutation occurs.

If you compare the parent cell to the daughter in mitosis what can be said about their chromosomes?

the daughter cells' chromosomes are a identical to the parent cell. they each have a complete set