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DDT or dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane is a colorless crystalline substance that is used as an insecticide. DDT and some related compounds are primarily stored in fats and other organic solvents.

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Q: Ddt and related compounds are primarily stored in?
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Related questions

What body tissue is DDT stored in humans?

DDT can be stored in fatty tissues of humans. In women who are pregnant, DDT exposure can occur even in the fetus.

What chemical replaced DDT?

DDT was replaced primarily by methoxychlor, which contains about 50% DMDT.

Do chemical compounds remain in the organism permanently?

Some do and some do not. Water-soluble compounds can pass out of an organism fairl easily. Some compounds, such as DDT, however, do not leave the body.

What raptors are affected by DDT?

ALL raptors are affected by DDT, because they prey upon what's been poisoned. Check out the related link listed below:

What physical property od DDT contributes to its bioaccumulation in animals?

The physical property of DDT that contributes to its bioaccumulation in animals is its inability to break down easily. This results in it being stored in the fatty issues of animals.

DDt remain toxic for years and is stored in body fat?

DDT is highly lipid soluble and has been reported to remain in the bodyfat of migratory birds. It certainly plausible from what I've seen, whether or not it happens in humans is another story.

Is air a mixture of elements and compounds.?

Earth's atmosphere contains oxygen and the inert gases. All these are elements. It also contains compounds like carbon dioxide, and water as vaporous gas, It contains many organic compounds, most thought of as pollutants, such as methane, DDT, and many other volatile organic compounds:

What is DDT that is used in pesticide?

DDT is an artificial insecticide prepared by the reaction of chloral with chlorobenzene in the presence of sulfuric acid. It was first made in 1874, but its insecticidal action was discovered in 1939 by Paul Hermann Muller, a Swiss chemist.

What is the half life of DDT?

The half life of organic compounds is not like the half life of radioactive materials. It is variable due to the impacts of water, light, temperature and the chemical reactivity of the soil. In the case of DDT (in soil) it can range between three weeks and 30 years.

Is DDT a parasite?

DDT is an insecticide.

Is DDT flammable?

DDT is flammable.

Is DDT is fertiliser?

DDT is an insecticide.