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Q: Delicate connective tissue that surrounds the sarcolemma?
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What does the endomysium cover?

Endomysium is the connective tissue that surrounds each muscle fibers cells. Its purpose is to hold capillary beds and contact sarcolemma.

What is the delicate connective tissue the surrounds the skeletal muscle and ties the adjacent muscle fibers together?


The delicate connective tisssue that surrounds the skeletal muscle fibers and ties adjacent muscle fibers together is the?

The delicate connective tissue that surrounds the skeletal muscle fibers and ties adjacent muscle fibers together is the endomysium.

What connective tissue surrounds the spleen?

The tissue of the spleen is reticular connective tissue.

Is a cartilage connective tissue?

no, but connective tissue surrounds the cartilage. a connective tissue is more like ligaments and tendons, but not cartilage.

What is the difference between endomysium and sarcolemma?

Sarcolemma is the equivalent of the plasma membrane of the muscle fiber (aka muscle cell). The endomysium is a connective tissue that bounds around the sarcolemma.

What tissue forms delicate thin layers between muscles?

Areolar tissue which is a loose connective tissue.

What is the connective tissue covering called that encloses the sarcolemma of an individual muscle fiber?


Which Band of connective tissue that surrounds muscles?


What is the connective tissue memebrane that covers a muscle?

endomysium is the connective tissue that surrounds each muscle fiber. heres your answer!

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Connective Tissue Sheath

What epithelial layer surrounds hair root?

Connective Tissue Sheath