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Collagen fibres are important part of connective tissue. Depending on type of connective tissue you have more or less collagen fibres in it.

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Q: Dense connective tissue made of collagen fibers?
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Has numerous collagen fibers that give strength to skin?

Abundant collagenous and elastic fibers are found in the dermis. They are responsible for the strength and elasticity of the skin.

What is a ligament made up of?

Hi there, The elastic connective tissue is on most of your ligaments in your body. Hope this helped. Alex

Is collagen and connective tissue the same?

Technically they are the same. Fibrous connective tissue is basically any kind of connective tissue different than adipose and areolar. The fibrous connective tissue has more fibroblast and collagen fiber (a characteristic of dense connective tissue) but no much of elastic fibers (which is the histological difference with cartilage). Of course, we have to exclude blood, lymph and bones from the fibrous tissues because they are specialized connective tissue and have totally different characteristics than dense and loose connective tissue.

What connective tissue consists of long fibers with tapered ends?

The answer is probably the dermis of your skin. Collagen fibers going in different direction gives it the ability to bear the stress in all directions.

The three types of protein fibers in connective tissue are?


What is the dominant fiber type in dense connctive tissue?

Collagen fibers. They are very strong fibers.

What provides strength in many directions ligaments reticular tissues dense trregular connective tissue or tendons?

Dense Connective Tissue provides strength in many directions. It contains bundles of collagen fibers that are thicker and are arranged irregularly to allow for that.

How do loose and connective tissue differ?

Loose Connective Tissue consists of a lot of ground substance and it has all 3 types of protein fibers. Dense Connective Tissue on the other hand has little ground substance, few cells, and although it has most protein fibers it mainly consists of collagen fibers.

Difference between dense regular connective tissue and dense irregular connective tissue?

Dense regular has dark-staining collagen fibers that run parallel to each other. It provides connections between bone-to-bone and muscle-to-bone, and it is strong and can stand great tensile stress. Dense regular can be found in ligaments and tendons (i.e. white fibrous tissue). Dense irregular is not dark-staining, and the collagen fibers aren't parallel. The structure of the fibers allows support from many directions. Dense irregular is found in the dermis of the skin. In general, a 'regular' issue means that its fibers run in the same direction, while a 'irregular' tissue's fibers run in all directions.

Dense connective tissue is to a suture as a periodontal ligament is to a?

collagen I fibril

Describe the microscopic anatomy of a muscle fiber?

Skeletal muscle fibers are composed of thousands of fibers, each with a covering of loose connective tissue-endomysium. The fibers are organized in parallel bundles called fascicles. Each fascicle is surrounded by a perimysium sheath; the presence of collagen bundles suggests dense connective tissue. Multiple fascicles are encased in a dense connective tissue-epimysium, which covers the entire muscle organ. Blood vessels and nerve fibers penetrate to the endomysium to supply the muscle fibers.

What are the 3 major groups of connective tissue?

Epithelial, muscle, and nervous. Disagree- the 3 subgroups are: loose, dense, and connective tissue with special properties. Subgroups within dense are: dense irregular, in which the extracellular fibers are interwoven in disordered fashion, and dense irregular, in which the extracellular fibers are in parallel bundles. Subgroups in the special properties connective tissue are named to indicate the identifying feature, such as mucous connective tissue, elastic connective tissue or reticular connective tissue.