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Q: Describe two adaptations that prey organisms have developed to protect them themselves. Tell how each adaptation protects the organism?
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What are the 4 things that adaptations help organisms to?

what are the 4 things that adaptations help organisms to? (Remember #3 Animal Adaptation HW)

What different organisms have adaptations for different ecosystem?

Organisms have adaptation to their environment eg body of fish is streamlined , tail of monkey is prehensile .

What are two adaptations that prey organisms have developed to protect themselve?

camouflage and mimicry

How is camouflage an adaptation?

Camouflage is an adaptation because it helps the organisms to survive without being prey to other animals or organisms. Adaptations help an animal to survive so having camouflage helps the animal not to be eaten!

What describes adaptation of organism?

A trait that is beneficial to survival.

What is terrestrial adaptation?

Terrestrial adaptations are exhibited by the plants and animals living in land habitats. As there are varied types of land habitats, the adaptations shown by organisms also are of diverse kinds.

What are unique traits developed by organisms to help them survive thrive and reproduce in their particular environment.?


What are the unique traits developed by organisms to help them survive thrive and reproduce in their particular environment?


Is adaptation aid the survival and reproduction of organisms?

Yes, adaptation aid is critical for the survival and reproduction of organisms. Through adaptation, organisms can develop traits and behaviors that enhance their ability to survive in their environment, find resources, and reproduce. This can include physical adaptations, such as camouflage or specialized body structures, as well as behavioral adaptations, such as migration or foraging strategies.

How do successful adaptations improve an organism's fitness?

An organisms fitness is it's ability to survive and reproduce. Adaptations help an organism do so. According to Darwin, natural selection plays a big part in the adaptations that help an animal survive. Natural selection is basically "the best qualities win and reproduce". Over time, the qualities that survived become adaptations, shaping themselves to the changing environment. Because the best qualities lead to successful adaptations, the "favorable" organism will survive and reproduce, increasing its fitness.

The characteristics that give an organism an advantage in a given environment are called?

Adaptation hahahahhaahhaa suxckerrss idkkk hehehehehhe:)

What is the best description of an adaptation?

An adaptation is a trait or characteristic that has evolved in a species over time to help it survive and reproduce in its environment. Adaptations can be structural, behavioral, or physiological and enable organisms to better fit their niche and increase their chances of survival.