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It's the way that it's reacts in the nuclues to numeron to the neutrron to the species of carring capaciticity

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Q: Describe what happens to a population in an environment that reaches its carrying capacity?
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How do you know when a carrying capacity has been reached?

It is difficult to define the exact carrying capacity of an organism in its environment. Variables used to determine carrying capacity are primarily the availability of food in a given area to which the organism lives. A carrying capacity can be estimated in a population that exhibits an abrupt decline in numbers immediately after a steady population increase. The carrying capacity has been reached when a given amount of recourses can only support a defined number of species.

How do human actions increase the carrying capacity of some ecosystems?

Humans can affect the carrying capacity of ecosystems by taking or adding something to the environment. Such as natural resources and chemicals. These can greatly affect the environment, thus greatly affecting the animals in the environment

What is the difference between carrying capacity and biotic potential?

carrying capacity is the largest number of individuals of one species that an environment can support. Biotic potential is the potential growth of a population if it could grow in perfect conditions with no limiting factors.

How does carrying capacity affect k-strategist?

The carrying capacity affects k-strategists because their population reaches equilibrium at the carrying capacity and they experience a carrying capacity that changes little from year to year.

Describe the conditions under which logistic growth occurs?

logistic growth is when a population experiences exponential growth but at a certain point is limited because the population exceeds its carrying capacity.

Related questions

The largest population an environment can support?

The name given to the largest population than an environment can support is called it's carrying capacity.

The ability of the environment to support the population?

Carrying capacity.

The largest population an environment can support is?

carrying capacity

What is used to describe the greatest number of people within a population that an ecosystem can support?

Carrying Capacity:-).

What happens when an environment has reached its carrying capacity for a population?

The population continues to grow.

What is The carrying capacity of an environment for a particular species at a particular time is determined by?

The carrying capacity of a biological species in an environment is the maximum population size of the species that the environment can sustain indefinitely, given the food,habitat, water and other necessities available in the environment. In population biology, carrying capacity is defined as the environment's maximal load,[1]which is different from the concept of population equilibrium.

What is the name given to the largest population that an environment can support is its?

It is referred to an environment's carrying capacity.

The largest population that an environment can support is called?

carrying capacity

What is the name for the maximum population size an environment can support?

carrying capacity, or K.

What is the carrying capacity of people living on earth?

A population's carrying capacity is the amount of organisms a certain environment can sustain. If the number of organisms exceeds carrying capacity the resources in the environment will be depleted resulting in a carrying capacity drop followed by a drop in the population of organisms.

What is the carrying capacity of a population?

Carrying capacity is population that is supported by its supporting systems. An example of carrying capacity is wildlife living in the forest. Since the forest can only hold so many different species of wildlife, it has a particular carrying capacity.

The number of individuals an evironment can sustain for an indefinite period of time is called its?

The largest population a particular environment can support of particular species is called its carrying capacity.