

Do animals cells have flagella

Updated: 4/28/2022
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10y ago

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Yes, flagella is like a tail at the end of the cell that helps the cell move.

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10y ago

Not usually. However, sperm cells do have a flagellum.

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Q: Do animals cells have flagella
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Is flagella in animal cell or plant cell?

Animals cells use cilia and flagella for movement.

What helps animals sperm cells move so that they can reach an egg?

well to all my gradpoint friends it is > flagella <

Do animals have flagella?

there are no animal cells that have a flagella, as animal cells, for the most part are stationary. Some move with aid by blood, etc. Only prokaryotes (Bacteria) have flagella, and only certain ones. I hope this clarifies the situation for you.

Do prokaryotic cells have flagella?

Not all prokaryotic cells have flagella only some do. The flagella in prokaryotic cells are made up of the hook, filament and basal body.

Do eukaryotic cells contain flagella?

They have flagella with 9+2 structure.Bacterial flagella differs from it

What protist uses flagella?

No protists ure a flagella because only animal cells have a flagella.

What kingdom does cilia and flagella belong to?

Cilia and flagella are not actually animals, so they don't have a kingdom. They are structures that allow microorganisms and cells to move. The best answer I can give you is Animalia.

Is flagella your feet?

NO, flagella is tiny organelles on cells. The tail of sperm and even bacteria has flagella, though.

What cells contain flagella?

They are found in cilia. Cilias are found in eukaryotic cells.

What type of cells is a cilia and a flagella found in?

The majority of them are in animal cells, because animal cells and or animals do not use photosynthesis so they need to find their own foodhope this helped :)~lindsey

Are there flagella on plant cells?

Generally not, although some plant sperm do have flagella.

Why do animal and plant cells lack cilia flagella or other means of locomotion?

Cillia and flagella are used for motility. Most cells of animals and plants do not need to be mobile, but small uni-cellular or organisms of few cells do. But it is not true that animal cells do not have cillia and flagella. Sperm need to be motile so they have flagella. Your lungs need to clear dust and small particles from them so they have cillia.