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Technically sunlight would be an inorganic material so it would be yes to both.

In general, autotrophs make their own molecules using inorganic materials.

Phototrophs, a subset of autotrophs, use sunlight specifically to make their

organic molecules

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13y ago
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7y ago


Organic compound produced is glucose. It is produced from inorganic carbon dioxide

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13y ago

Wohler was the one who produced organic molecule, urea from inorganic material, ammonia present in urine.

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7y ago

Plants ,algae ,some protists and some bacteria are photosynthetic. All are living organisms

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14y ago

Of course - photosynthesis is a set of chemical reactions. You can have reactions without compounds.

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15y ago

no they are not able to.

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12y ago

I agree 95.12% Yes!

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13y ago

Yes it is - and also biochemistry.

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Q: Do photoautotrophs produce organic molecules from inorganic molecules?
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Is C02 organic or inorganic?

Inorganic if you use the definition organic contains carbon and hydrogen. Organic if your definition is simply contains carbon. There is no clear and agreed definition of the distinction between organic and inorganic. Historically chemists believed an "organic compound" required a life process to produce it.

What uses light energy and inorganic substances to produce organic compounds?

Plants do this.

How does inorganic produce affect your health?

All produce is organic. The term, organic, can be very misleading. It does not imply that produce that wasn't grown with "organic" farming techniques isn't an organic product. Now, with regard to produce that is grown with pesticides added, this would be less healthy than produce grown without.

Are vitamins inorganic substances that the body cannot produce on its own?

As far as I'm aware the molecules of all vitamins contain carbon atoms, so they are all 'organic' in the chemical sense of the term.

What is the function of produce?

Producers are organisms, like green plants, that produce organic compounds from inorganic compounds. These are also a type of Autotroph.

What is an autototroph?

From Latin : self-feeding. An autotroph is an organism capable of synthesizing its own food from simple organic substances. Also, it means the organism creates their own food instead of intaking from others. Sub divided into photoautotrophs which are plants and chemoautotrophs which are some bacteria that are able to synthesis their own food from inorganic substances.

What will happen if human beings become autotrophs?

If human beings were to become autotrophs, they would be able to produce their own food through processes like photosynthesis. This could potentially reduce our dependence on external food sources and lead to greater self-sufficiency. However, humans are not evolutionarily designed to be autotrophs, so significant biological and physiological changes would be required for this transformation to occur.

Why are plants called procedure?

Because plants produce organic compounds from inorganic compound through photosynthesis.

Where do organisms that make their own food get their energy from?

Organisms that make their own food, such as plants, get their energy from sunlight through a process called photosynthesis. In photosynthesis, the plant's chlorophyll-containing cells use sunlight to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose (sugar), which serves as the plant's energy source.

These use light energy from the sun to produce food?


Are animals examples of photoautotrophs?

Only organisms that produce their own food