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An eukaryotic cell just means that it has membrane bound organelles and a nucleus. single cell organisms are organisms that are solo, they aren't cell specialized. Single cell organisms can be eukaryoic or prokaryotic (no membrane bound organelles and no nucleus) cells.

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Q: Do eukaryotes cells have single cell organisms?
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Is eukaryotes made of A cell or cells?

Eukaryotes include all animals, plants, and fungi. They also include some single celled organisms. All are made up of one cell or more.

What is the differences of prokaryote and eukaryote?

Eukaryotes have a true nucleus and prokaryotes have no nucleus. Eukaryptes also have a cell membrane and reproduce by meosis. Eukaryotes are also animals, plants, fungi and protists. Eukaryotic organisms can either be single-celled or multi-celled. Prokaryotes are bacteria.

What are unicellular cells?

organisms made of a single cell

What do you mean by cellular organization?

Cellular organisms means the organisms which are formed of cells. They can be classified on the basis of numbers of cells as UNICELLULAR: are single cell organisms e.g. all prokaryotes, algae etc. MULTICELLULAR: those made of more then one cell. and the division of labour is found in different cells of the organism. e.g. generally eukaryotes like humans plants etc.

Is there a single celled organism?

An eukaryotic cell just means that it has membrane bound organelles and a nucleus. single cell organisms are organisms that are solo, they aren't cell specialized. Single cell organisms can be eukaryoic or prokaryotic (no membrane bound organelles and no nucleus) cells.

The cells of multicellular organisms?

cells are cells, but a multicellular organism has more than one cell, though unicellular organisms have only a single cell.

What is eukaryotes?

Eukaryotic cell is a multicellular, or a single-celled organism, that has a distinct membrane-bound nucleus.

How do you describe the cells of giant kelp?

Giant kelp are eukaryotes and multicellular. Eukaryotic cells are cells with a nuclei for each cell. Multicellular organisms are living things with more than one cell.

What cells that belongs to the domain eukarya?

Cells belonging to the domain Eukarya include animal cells, plant cells, fungi cells, and protist cells. These cells are characterized by having a membrane-bound nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles.

Are bacteria cells single cell organisms?

yes bacteria is a single celled organisms.

What type of cell would you examine to find a chloroplast?

They are in photosynthetic cells.They are in eukariyotes.

What are organisms composed of unstructured cells surrounded by membranes called?

Organisms that are composed of unstructured cells surrounded by membranes are prokaryotic cells. A prokaryotic cell is a single-celled organism like an amoeba.