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Hormones travel In the blood because they need to travel in the body.

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11y ago

because blood is the fastest way to travel..

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10y ago

By definition hormones travel through blood to reach the target organ or organs.

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Q: Do hormones travel through the blood stream?
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What do endocrine glands produce?

Endocrine glands produce hormones which travel through your blood stream carrying messages to other parts of your body.

How are hormones distributed through the body?

Proteins are transported through the blood stream.

What produces hormones that are distributed through the blood stream?

The endocrine system produces the hormones that control your body.

How do harmones travel around the body?

Hormones travel around the body through the blood.

How do hormones get into circulation from its original organ?

Most hormones are released into circulation through ducts, but some are released directly into the blood stream.

What are hormones carried in to their target cell?

Hormones are chemcial messengers released into the blood stream to be carried through out the body to target cells.

How do hormones move around the body?

There is more than one type of hormone: autocrine hormones act on the cells that produce them. Paracrine hormones act on the cells nearby and get to them by diffusing through the fluid that bathes the cells. The most common hormone class is the endocrine hormones- these are secreted from cells and move into the nearby capillaries which carry blood. Once they are in the blood they can reach almost every tissue in the body just by flowing through the blood vessels.

What are molecules that travel through blood and regulate body activities called?

They are called "hormones".

The hormones produced by endocrine structures are secreted into the?

Directly into the Blood Stream. Endocrine Glands release there secretions (hormones) directly into the blood stream. That is why they are unlike Exocrine Glands.

How does nicotine travel through the blood to the fetus?

Either through the umbilical cord (in the case of a pregnant woman) or by passive smoking.Nicotine gets into the mothers blood stream which then flows into the baby's blood stream.

How do endocrine hormones travel the body?

The hormones secreted by endocrine glands are almost always transported throughout the body in the blood via the circulatory system.

The hormones produced by these endocrine structures are secreted into the?

blood stream