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Yeah. Osteoclasts are multinucleated and they work in bone resorption.

Hepatocytes and some WBC (neutrophils and eosinophils) are also multinucleated.

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1mo ago

Yes, multinucleated cells can be found in other tissues besides skeletal muscle. For example, osteoclasts are a type of multinucleated cell involved in bone resorption, whereas syncytiotrophoblasts in the placenta also have multiple nuclei. Additionally, giant cells formed in response to foreign bodies or inflammation can also be multinucleated.

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Q: Do multinucleated cells in human body exist execept skeletal muscle?
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Which tissue type would enable a person to move bones very quickly?

Skeletal muscle tissue is responsible for enabling quick movements of bones in the body. It is composed of long, multinucleated cells called muscle fibers that contract rapidly in response to nerve impulses, allowing for fast movement of the skeletal system.

What kind of muscle contains cylindrical cells with branching ends?

Skeletal muscle contains cylindrical cells with branching ends. These cells are called muscle fibers and are responsible for voluntary movements in the body. Skeletal muscle is attached to bones by tendons and is striated in appearance.

What is a group of muscle cells called?

Muscle cells grouped together are called muscle tissue. The muscle cells contract and elongate to make the movement in the body parts. Muscle cells are found in several specialized forms such as Cardiac, skeletal or smooth muscles etc.Muscle cells grouped together are called muscle tissue. The muscle cells contract and elongate to make the movement in the body parts. Muscle cells are found in several specialized forms such as Cardiac, skeletal or smooth muscles etc.

A tissue composed of long striated cells with multiple nuclei is?

Skeletal muscle tissue is composed of long striated cells with multiple nuclei. These cells are voluntary muscles responsible for body movement and are under conscious control. Skeletal muscle tissue is classified as striated due to its alternating light and dark banding pattern when viewed under a microscope.

Muscle that appears banded?

The muscle that appears banded is skeletal muscle. Its banded appearance, known as striations, is due to the arrangement of muscle fibers and the presence of overlapping sarcomeres containing actin and myosin filaments. Skeletal muscle is responsible for voluntary movements in the body.

Related questions

Which type of muscle is multinucleated striated and in cylinder form?

Skeletal muscle.

Why are skeletal muscle cells multinucleated?

Skeletal muscle cells are multinucleated because they form from the fusion of multiple myoblasts during development. Each nucleus contributes to the overall functioning and maintenance of the muscle cell. This multinucleation allows for efficient protein synthesis and repair in the large, elongated muscle fibers.

What is the definition of a Skeletal muscle cell?

A skeletal muscle cell is a type of cell that is long, cylindrical, and striated in appearance. These cells are responsible for voluntary movement and are attached to bones by tendons. Skeletal muscle cells contract to generate force and movement in the body.

What is an example of a multinucleated organism?

A common example of a multinucleated organism is the plasmodial slime mold. These organisms have a single, large cell with multiple nuclei, and they exhibit characteristics of both animal and fungal species. Multinucleated fungi, such as the common bread mold, are another example.

Is cardiac muscle mitotic?

It consists of a maximum of 2 nuclei per fiber so no it can't be considered multinucleated. Only skeletal is multinuke.

What is the function of multinucleated cell?

Multinucleated cells typically have multiple nuclei to support their large size and complex functions. These cells are involved in processes such as bone resorption by osteoclasts or muscle contraction by skeletal muscle cells. Having multiple nuclei allows these cells to efficiently carry out their specialized functions.

Which tissue type would enable a person to move bones very quickly?

Skeletal muscle tissue is responsible for enabling quick movements of bones in the body. It is composed of long, multinucleated cells called muscle fibers that contract rapidly in response to nerve impulses, allowing for fast movement of the skeletal system.

Is smooth muscle cells voluntary?

no, skeletal muscle cells are

Do skeletal muscle cells have one nucleus?

skeletal muscle cells have multiple nuclei in each cell.

How do skeletal muscle fibers become multinucleated?

Being multinucleated enables anything to synthesize more protein. Also we know that skeletal muscle fibres are much longer than that of any other muscle fibre, so it needs a huge amount of actin and myosin protein to bring about required contraction of a muscle, as actin and myosin crossbridge is required for muscle contraction. Thus it can be postulated that this boon of being multinucleated is essential for a skeletal muscle to posses adequate amounts of actin and myosin for muscle contraction. By-- faireena singh ( mbbs first year cmc)

Do skeletal muscle cells have glycosomes?

No, skeletal muscle cells do not have glycosomes. Glycosomes are specialized organelles found in certain types of cells, particularly in protists and some parasites, where they are involved in glycolysis. Skeletal muscle cells primarily rely on mitochondria for energy production.

How are smooth muscle cells similar to skeletal fibers?

Smooth muscle cells are similar to skeletal muscle cells due to the actin-tropomyosin interactions. These interactions "tell" the muscle when to contract.