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As you know, osteoblasts secrete collagen and organic cmpounds upon which bone is formed. Osteoblasts are incapable of mitosis. As Osteoblasts release matrix materials around themselves, they become enveloped by the matrix and at this point differentiate into Osteocytes.

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No, osteoblasts become osteocytes when they are completely surrounded by bony matrix.

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Q: Do osteocytes become osteoblasts when they are completely surrounded by bony matrix?
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Can osteoblasts divide?

Yes, they divide, and as they divide, they create bone matrix and collagen fibers. As the osteoblasts become surrounded by the bone matrix, it hardens, enclosing the cells in a lacuna, transforming them into osteocytes. Osteocytes cannot divide.

What does Osteocytes secrete?

Osteocytes become surrounded by bone matrix and are relatively inactive, but do have the capability to produce components needed to maintain the bone matrix if needed. Lacunae osteoblasts change into osteocytes.

What happens When an osteoblast becomes surrounded by calcified extracellular material?

former osteoblasts that have become surrounded in bone matrix that is calcified

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What role do osteocytes have bone tissue?

Osteocytes repair cracks in bones, and help bones grow. They repair the cracks by releasing new proteins on them called calcium. Osteocytes are like the maintainence for bones. Without them you would crumple or stay the same size you were when you were born. They are very helpful!

How are bone cells and muscle cells alike?

bones give shape to our body and allow us to stand up straight and the musles form all that

What are cells in the cartilage stimulated to become?

It stimulates the cells in cartilage to become osteoblasts.

The cell responsible for secreting the matrix of bone is the?

The cell type that is responsible for bone matrix is the Osteoblast. Osteoblast's form a protein mixture known as osteoid, which materializes to become bone. They also manufacture hormones to act on the bone itself.

Does a bone cell have organelles?

There are three special types of cells found only in bone. They are: Osteoclasts , which are large cells the dissolve the bone. They originate in the bone marrow and are related to white blood cells and are found on the surface of the bone mineral next to dissolving bone. Osteoblasts, which form new bone. Originating in the bone marrow, they have one nucleus. They work in teams to build bone from bone collagen and other protein. They also control calcium and mineral deposition, and are found on the surface of new bone. When they have finished filling in a cavity, they become flat and line the surface of the bone. They regulate passage of calcium into and out of bone. In addition, they respond to hormones by making special proteins that activate the osteoclasts. Osteocytes, which are cells inside the bone. Osteoclasts and osteoblasts may turn into osteocytes white new bone is being formed, and then osteocytes get surrounded by new bone. Osteocytes send out long branches that connect to other osteocytes. They can sense pressures or cracks in bone and help direct where osteoclasts dissolve bone.

What are Osteoblasts and Osteoclasts?

Osteoblasts are one type of bone cell (out of three) that is found in bone tissue. They are bone forming cells (make bone) (bone builders). It deposits bone even as another bone cell, osteoclasts, breaks it down. When there is a break, or lacuna, in the bone the osteoblasts form a sheet over the gap. Then osteoids cover the osteoblats trapping them in the lacuna. Inside the lacuna they then turn into osteocytes, a type of bone cell.osteoblasts are bone forming cells, and osteoclasts are bone destroying cells.Osteoblasts (from the Greek words for "bone" and "germ" or embryonic) are mononucleate cells that are responsible for bone formation; in essence, osteoblasts are sophisticated fibroblasts that express all genes that fibroblasts express, with the addition of the genes for bone sialoprotein and osteocalcin.[1]Osteoblasts produce osteoid, which is composed mainly of Type I collagen. Osteoblasts are also responsible for mineralization of the osteoid matrix. Zinc, copper and sodium are some of the many minerals produced. Bone is a dynamic tissue that is constantly being reshaped by osteoblasts, which build bone, and osteoclasts, which resorb bone. Osteoblast cells tend to decrease as individuals become elderly, thus decreasing the natural renovation of the bone tissue.[2]osteoblasts produce bones in the body. they are bone producing cellsAn osteoblast is an immature bone cell. Eventually, the osteoblast will mature into an osteocyte and ossify, or harden, into bone.Living cells within the bone are engaged in an unceasing process of remodeling. Osteoblasts lining the surface of bone are much like fibroblasts and deposit and organize new bone matrix while osteoclasts demolish old bone matrix. Osteoblasts are converted into osteocytes as they become embedded in this matrix and the matrix calcifies.

What are the steps in bone deposition?

§The initial stage in bone production is the secretion of collagen molecules and ground substance by osteoblasts. §The collagen monomers polymerize rapidly to form collagen fibers. §The resultant tissue becomes osteoid §As the osteoid is formed, some of the osteoblasts become entrapped in the osteoid and become quiescent osteocytes. §Within a few days after the osteoid is formed, calcium salts begin to precipitate on the surfaces of the collagen fibers. §The precipitates first appear at intervals along each collagen fiber, forming minute nidi that rapidly multiply and grow over a period of days and weeks into the finished product, hydroxyapatite crystals. hope thats good enough :)