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Q: Do osteocytes produce collagen fibers that span a break?
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What produces collagen fibers that span the break?

Collagen fibers is needed to reach the break and to connect the end of broken bones. The collagen fibers are produced by Fibroblasts.

What are Cells that produce the matrix of new bone tissue are called?

Osteocytes are bone cells. Special ones that build bone are called osteoblasts (blast=build) and ones that break down bone are called osteoclasts (clasts=break).

Do the number of osteocytes are greater in primary bone than secondary bone?

Osteocytes grow bone (lay it down) and osteoclasts break down bone. So there will be many more cells laying down bone (osteocytes) in primary bone.

Can lipase break down gelatin?

No, lipases are enzymes that digest lipids, i.e. glycerides or cholesterols, into smaller parts. Gelatin is composed mostly collagen, which is a protein. Thus, to break down collagen you would need a protease.

What role do osteocytes have bone tissue?

Osteocytes repair cracks in bones, and help bones grow. They repair the cracks by releasing new proteins on them called calcium. Osteocytes are like the maintainence for bones. Without them you would crumple or stay the same size you were when you were born. They are very helpful!

Why does yarn shed?

fibers break down. that's why there are lint traps in dryers.

Why is synthetic fibers more durable than natural fibers?

Synthetic. they are made of chemicals and it takes longer to break down. good luck making this rot:)

What do you call the cells in the skeletal system?

They are called osteocytes. Bone building cells are called osteoblasts and those that break down bone are called osteoclasts. You are constantly remodeling your bones.

Does licheon produce an acid that will break down a rock?

Yes, lichens can produce acids to break down rock.

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What is the purpose of spindle fibers during mitosis?

Spindle fibers move chromosomes to the center of the cell during metaphase of cell division and break the chromosomes apart during Anaphase.

What does it mean the skeleton is a live organ?

There are living cells (osteoblasts, osteocytes and osteoclasts) the build, maintain and break down the non-living matrix that surrounds them. They also have an extensive blood and nerve supply.