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Expirement. close your eyes for a good 10 seconds. Then open them and get close to a mirror when you do this. When you open your eyes, you'll notice that your pupils will get big and then really small(fast).

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Q: Do pupils dilate when sleeping and eyes are closed?
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When your pupils dilate are you lying?

Not necessarily. Eyes dilate for many reasons.

What is a sentence with dilate?

The drops the ophthalmologist put in my eyes made my pupils dilate.

Does weed dilate pupils?

no but i makes your pupils small and gives you bloodshot eyes

Do your eyes have to be dilated to have a concussion?

No. If the concussion is moderate then the pupils probably won't dilate. pupils usually dilate due to swelling in the brain.

Does adrenaline constrict pupils of the eyes?

dilates them

What is it called when a person's pupils no longer dilate from the light?

Pupils don't dilate from light, the constrict. They dilate in the dark, to take in more light, and constrict in the light so your eyes don't get damaged. Hallucinogenics, stimulants and alcohol and make your pupils dilate and opiates and diazepam can make them constrict. Im not sure what that's called though..

Does Vicodin dilate your eyes?

Yes, Vicodin causes pupils to become "pinned", or very small.

What do pupils dilate means?

That the photoreceptor's in your eyes may be weak. or that you have concussion are unconscious or drugged or that there is not much light

Does your PUPILS dilate on cocaine?

yes, i have really big pupils but im not on drugs. but if someone's pupils are dilated and dont shrink when you shine a light in their eyes their probably on drugs

What dilate the pupils of the eyes?

There are many things that can dilate the pupil of the eye. First of all, light plays a huge factor. Also, if there are unknown, alien substances in your body, such as drugs, that is also a pupil dilator. Also, if you have recently suffered a concussion, your pupils might be dilated for a while. Pupils also dilate when focusing on different planes of vision, as well as different distances.

How are pandas sleeping?

with there eyes closed

Do blind people's eyes dilate?

Most "blind" people have some vision and the pupils react to light like normally sighted eyes. Others have no response.