

Do spiders have 8 eyes

Updated: 8/10/2023
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14y ago

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Yes Spiders have 8 eyes

Most spiders have eight simple eyes. [Insects on the other hand have large, compound eyes.] The two main eyes of a spider each have a simple lens, and a retina which is made up of light sensitive cells whose surfaces point toward he light as it enters the eye. These main eyes have a small field of vision with high resolution. They are especially well developed in jumping spiders. A spider's secondary eyes also have a lens but the light sensitive cells of these eyes point away from the light as do the similar cells in a human eye. The secondary eyes detect shadows and the difference between light and dark.

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10y ago
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11y ago

Some similar animals have many more legs than spiders, and some have only six legs. They are all animals that (a very long time ago) came out of the same family background. There are advantages to being like the spiders and having to main body segments and eight legs, or having very many body segments and very many legs, or having three body segments and six legs.

Given the body structure that spiders have, it would be problematical for them to have more than eight legs. If some kind of spider kept the same general proportions as the rest of the spiders but added two legs, then the legs would have to be thinner to fit. But some spiders already have legs that are too thin and break easily. Ten legs in the normal space for eight would probably make the spider too fragile to survive very well.

Given the way that some spiders hunt it is easy to see why there is an advantage to use all the space in the front half of the spider's two-part body for legs. When, for instance, a jumping spider wants to catch a fly, it spreads out its front four legs in preparation for snagging the fly as it lands, and then it jumps off using the power of the hind legs. If it used only two legs to jump with, it wouldn't jump as well, and if it used only two legs to grab with then it wouldn't catch things very well.

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11y ago

Some spiders have eight eyes. Others have 6, 4, 2, or 0.

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14y ago

It depends, but yes, in most cases spiders have eight eyes.

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13y ago

so they can crawl faster and get better grip

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12y ago

For the same reason you have 2: because that's how many their parents had.

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15y ago

because there are egs

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Which animal has 8 eyes?

A spider.

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Answers may vary from different spiders but for example a tarantula's eyes are in the front but there are possibly 8 eyes.

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No, flies have 5 eyes. Most spiders have either 6 or 8 eyes.

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Most spider species have eight eyes arranged in various patterns on their head. These eyes are typically very small and may not be visible without magnification. Some spiders can have fewer eyes, but none have only two eyes.

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No. Spiders, for example, generally have 8.

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Most spiders have 8 eyes but it varies, some have none and some only have 2.

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(50 spiders) x (8 eyes + 8 legs) = 800 eyes AND legs

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hi my name is Emma. i did a project on spiders recently so i know the answer to the question your asking. the answer is... spiders have 8 legs AND 8 eyes! cool right! you can ask me any question about spiders and I'll answer it!