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Q: Does Abduction and adduction always refer to movements of the appendicular skeleton?
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Related questions

Do Movements occur when the appendicular skeleton works independently of the muscular system?

yes sometimes according to movement

Do Movements occur when the appendicular skeleton works independently of the muscular system.?

yes sometimes according to movement

Is ilium in the appendicular skeleton?

Yes, the pelvis is part of the appendicular skeleton.

Is the spinal column part of the axial or appendicular skeleton?

The spinal column is part of the axial skeleton. (The appendicular skeleton is made up of the bones of the appendages. These would include all of the arm and hand bones, and leg and foot bones.)

Is the appendicular skeleton the upper or the lower part of the of the skeleton?

They are both. upper part, such as collar bone is in appendicular skeleton, and lower part, such as fibula is in appendicular system.

Are the feet part of the axial or appendicular skeleton?


What bones are part of the appendicular skeleton?

The appendicular skeleton is composed of 126 bones of the limbs and the pectoral.

Is the scapula part of the axial skeleton?

No its not, it is part of the appendicular skeletonNo, it is part of the appendicular skeleton

Is the humerus part of the appendicular skeleton?

yes the clavicles are considered part of the appendicular skeleton

What has the most bones axial or appendicular skeleton?

The appendicular skeleton has the most bones with a total of 126 bones.

What is the sural part of the appendicular skeleton?

The sural part of the appendicular skeleton would be referring to the sural region. This is located on the calf, not the shin, but the calf. The calf is part of the leg, and the leg is part of the appendicular skeleton.

Is calcaneus part of appendicular skeleton?

Yes it is. It is the pelvic girdle.