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Q: Does a colostomy excretes feces through the ileum or jejunum?
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What waste is extracted from the body during a colostomy?

A colostomy is a surgical procedure that brings a portion of the large intestine through the abdominal wall to carry feces out of the body.

What are two ways a starfish excretes its waste?

One way a starfish excretes waste is by using its pyloric glands. Another way they get rid of waste is through excreting feces from the anus on the aboral side of its body.

Is it possible to not have a butt?

All sort of deformities and diseases can occur at which could cause a person to "not have a butt" in the normal sense.For instance, an infant may be born without a functioning anus. This can be repaired with a series of surgeries during which time the baby initially excretes feces through a surgically installed colostomy. Was that baby born without a butt?It is possible to not have a conventional butt, but it is impossible to live without a way to remove feces from the body.

Does your feces have edible protein?

feces is the waste not only of yours but what has been broken down by the microbacteria living in your digestional tract, there is no nutritional benifit to eating feces, it only helps plants through the carbons that it contains and the nitrates your body excretes as waste.

What are four ways our body excretes things?

Breathing, sweat, urine, feces.

What is the name of the bag that colon cancer patients must wear to re-route their feces?

Colostomy Bag

When you have a colostomy does the feces come out as a solid or as a liquid?

It always depends on what you've had to eat or drink, normally it is porridge like.

Is there a bowel movement catheters?

No, if you are incontinent of stool, you get diapers. If you have a colostomy or jejunostomy, you have a collection bag that adheres to your body to collect feces.

Is an Emu's feces bigger than Elephant feces?

Of course not. It is estimated that an adult elephant excretes over 100kg of dung per day. The emu would not even excrete a single kilogram per day.

What organ excretes fecal matter?

Poop, or feces, is excreted by the anus which is the terminal opening of the large rectum, a part of the large intestine or colon.

What is the exports of the digestive system?

The digestive system breaks down food into absorbable nutrients. It excretes the remaining undigestible food waste as feces.

What rare disease makes you throw up feces?

There is no such disease. Material which passes through the small intestine will never return to the upper digestive system (esophagus, stomach).The term "fecal vomiting" refers to the rare regurgitation of material from the jejunum, called stercoraceous vomiting or copremesis. Although the material may look and smell like feces, it is not.