

Does age affect reflexes

Updated: 8/9/2023
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13y ago

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Because if you are older your reflexes start getting weaker but when you are young they are starting to get stronger

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Aging does effect adults because as you age you develop new health complications than from when you were younger.

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Yes it does because the bones in your body become weaker.

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Q: Does age affect reflexes
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What is reflexes 2 plus?

Normal reflexes

Name two somatic reflexes in which the higer brain centers participate?

The Human Reflex Physiology Review Sheet states that "Conversely, other reflexes require the involvement of the brain, since many different inputs must be evaluated before the appropriate reflex is determined. Superficial cord reflexes and pupillary responses to light are in this category" (p. 342).

Does it affect a certain age group?

no it does not.

What reflexes classified as somatic reflexes?

There are 5 somatic reflexes, stretch (spinal), crossed extensor (spinal), superficial cord (spinal), corneal (cranial), and gag (cranial).Involuntary automatic responses to sensory stimulation, for example, the knee-jerk reaction when tapped.Note: Reflexes, such as the contraction / dilation of the pupil, salivation when hungry are all controlled by autonomic reflexes.

Example of reflex action?

reacting when someone flashes his or her hand to your face that includes blinking-------------------------------------------------------A reflex action is a sudden reaction to a stimuli (a change in the environment) & often acts to protect you.Some are controlled by the brain (cranial reflexes) such as when you blink as dust lands in your eye, or your pupil gets smaller as light is shone in your eye.Some reflexes are controlled by the spinal cord (spinal reflexes) such as when you touch a hot object or stand on a pin.Some reflexes can have learnt responses so they are calledconditioned reflexes. These reflexes occur without you even thinking about them e.g. walking & producing saliva when you smell food.

Related questions

Does your age affect your reflexes?

Yes, age can affect reflexes. As we age, our reflexes tend to slow down due to changes in our nervous system and muscle strength. However, regular physical activity and exercise can help maintain and improve reflexes as we get older.

Does music affect reflexes?

Yes, music can affect the reflexes. Music is also known to affect the mood of human beings and the overall brain activity.

What factors affect reflexes?

Several factors can affect reflexes, including the speed of stimulus, strength of stimulus, health status of the individual, and the age of the individual. Additionally, fatigue, stress, and certain medications can also impact reflexes.

Will cervical damage affect knee jerk reflexes?


Do reflexes change with age?

normally as you get older your reflexes are much slower because your brain is much slower.

Can a person's height affect their reflexes?

never say never

How does lack of sleep affect your reflexes on a video game?

your eyes get tired

Who's reflexes are faster kids or adults?

Sorry to say, but the older you get the slower your reflexes are. But with age comes the wisdom to temper your reactions.

Why do reflexes slow down as you age?

Reflexes can slow down with age due to natural changes in nerve conduction speed, decrease in muscle mass and strength, and changes in joint flexibility. This can lead to delayed response times in processing sensory information and initiating a motor response, affecting reflexes. Regular physical activity and exercise can help maintain reflexes as you age.

Does video game affect your vision?

yes, and your brain cells, but your reflexes improve depending on the game

What does Reflexes 2 in medical terms mean?

"Reflexes 2" or "reflexes +2" indicates normal reflexes.

Does age effect reflex actions?

yes. as you grow older your reflexes can get worn out. this causes them to slow down