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no he just became one with cell

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Q: Does android 17 get smothered in cells tail?
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How many chromosomes do largemouth bass have in their diploid cells?


How does cell absorb the androids?

Dr. gero made cell to absorb the androids if 17 and 18 turn on him so he made cell and gave him the powers of goku freiza piccolo and maybe vegata and when cell was trying to grow he couldn't cause it wasnt to much space where he was born so Dr.Gero put cell in a egg and sent him to the pass to get back at his androids for turning on him and when cell came out of the egg he looked like a huge insect so he had to grow intill he shed out of his shell after that he was going and find android 17 and 18 but he found a city where he could of absorb people to get to his full power so he went to the city and there were people and he started to absorb them with his tail that he use to absorb people and Dr.Gero comes back in GT to get his revenge so he makes a new 17 and get the old 17 and make them into 1

What hormone is produced by chief cells?

Low blood Ca stimulates PTH production by​17.htm

How do hela cells differ from other cells?

Research has shown that HeLa cells have an active form of the enzyme Telomerase (not present in normal cells, but can be found in most cancerous cells). Telomerase is active during cell division, and prevents the shortening of telomeres - a mechanism that is associated with ageing and eventual cell death.

How many organelles does a animal cell has?

Depends on how healthy the cell is, and if it's a plant, animal, or bacteria.

Related questions

How old is android 17?

android 17 never ages so hes 17.

Is android 17 a boy or a girl?

android 17 is a boy not a girl

Dbz Is android 17 agirl or a boy?

android 17 is a boy

How many androids in dragonball?

In Dragon Ball there is Android 8. In Dragon Ball Z there is Android 16, 17, 18, 19, and 20. Cell is also an organic android. In the Dragon Ball Z movies there is Android 13,14,15 and Super Android 13. In Dragon Ball GT there is a fusion between the dead Android 17 and another Android 17 to make Super 17.

How does Goku beat android 17?

i think goku defeated android 17 by using a full power kamehameha No Android 17 was fightig Piccolo when Cell absorbed him. he was never defeated.

How did android 17 and 18 became androids?

Android 17 and Android 18 don't exist yet. We are only at 3.1 Ice Cream Sandwich

Does android 17 love krillin?

Android 18 was the one who loved Krillin. 17's her brother.

Android 13 vs Android 17 who won?

iPhone won.

How did the future android 17 came to the past?

maybe android 17 came to the past of the future timeline which means when future android 17 came past android 17 must of came to the future becaese of baby dr.gero alternate so maybe that's the answer if it's not then i have no idea/ hop i helped

Does curling date android 17 in Dragon Ball Z?

By curling I take it you mean Krillin ? Well to answer your question, no Krillin does not date Android 17, he dates android 18. 17 was the boy android, 18 was the blonde girl android he had a crush on. He eventually marries her and they have a child, a little girl named Marron.

Who is stronger Android 16 or Android 17-?

Android 17 is canonically superior to Android 16 and is apparently near the same power level as Imperfect Cell, which he manages to defeat. Unfortunately, despite his superior strength, Cell would eventually get the upper hand after transforming, decapitating 16.

In Dragon Ball Z how many androids are there?

6 in Dragon Ball Z Android 13 Android 16 Android 17 Android 18 Android 19 Android 20