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Your question makes NO sense whatsoever! Cytoplasm is the matrix in which all cellular organelles are located! Try rephrasing!

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14y ago

Lysosmes work with vacuoles in the cell to maintain homeostasis.

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Q: Does cytoplasm work with any other organelle?
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How does chloroplast work with other organelles?

i don't think they interact with any other organelles, do they??

Why cytoplasm is not considered to be a cell organelle?

Cell organelles are technically defined as "membrane bound organelles". Nucleus, Mitochondria, Golgi apparatus, chloroplast, ER, vesicles are containing membranes that make them an organelle with a definite function. In contrast, cytoplasm, is a fluid surface of the cell in which all these organelles, ions,enzymes,ribosomes, proteins are dispersed.It is the same for any cell such as plant cell or animal cell or unicellular organisms.

What organelle is abundant in the muscle cells?

The organelle which is more abundant in muscle cells than in other cells is mitochondria. This is due to the fact that muscle cells require more energy than any other cells.

Is cytoplasm in eukaryotic cell?

Yes they have a cytosole.It is a common compartment

Which organelle surrounds the cell membrane and contains hereditary material?

The Nucleolus of the Nucleus in any eukaryotic cell contains the hereditary material. While, prokaryotic cells hereditary material is located within the cell membrane floating freely in the cytoplasm.

Do virus have chloroplast?

Of course they do not. There are no single organelle

Is the central vacuole an organelle?

Yes, organelles are bodies within the cytoplasm that serve to physically separate the various metabolic reactions that occur within cells. The lysosome separates itself from other processes and performs the break down of food, cellular debris, and foreign invaders such as bacteria using digestive enzymes.

Which cells is cytoplasm in?

I don't know of any cells in cytoplasm but there is cytoplasm inside all cells if that's what you mean.

Which cell is in the cytoplasm?

I don't know of any cells in cytoplasm but there is cytoplasm inside all cells if that's what you mean.

This is any functional structure within the confines of a cell literally a small organ it usually has a membrane-based structure?


All the living materials in a cell?

I think that would be cytoplasm Good luck on any other questions!

What are 2 organelle found in a plant cell?

There actually aren't any organelles in eukaryotic cells. They are so primitive that they never developed organelles. The only parts to a eukaryotic cell is the plasma membrane, cytoplasm and the DNA/genetic information. The DNA is free in the cytoplasm and has no nucleus to surround it like in prokaryotic cells.