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Flexion decreases the angle between two bones in a joint. Extension increases that angle.

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Q: Does extension decrease the angle between two bones?
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What movement does not increase or decrease the angle between bones?

Rotation and supination do not increase or decrease the angle between bones.

Flexion and extension of the body?

flexion decreases in angle between articulating bones extension increases in angle between articulation bones

What is increasing the angle between two bones called?


When the angle of a joint increases it produces movement Which type of movement is it?

To increase the angle of a joint is extension. To decrease the angle of a joint is flexion. (plato users the answer is A.)

What are movements along the sagittal plane that decrease the angle between two bones?

Flexion is the general term for movements that decrease the angle between two bones; however, in the sagittal plane, the special term "adduction" is used for movements that decrease the angle between the limb and the midline.

What type of muscle contraction will shorten a muscle and decrease the angle between two bones?

Concentric isometric contraction

What does the medical term flex mean?

In medical terminology, "flex" refers to the movement of a joint that decreases the angle between two body parts. It is the opposite of extension, which increases the angle between body parts. An example of flexion is bending the elbow or knee.

What is movement during which the knees or elbows are bent to decrease the angle of the joint?

Flexion is movement during which the knees or elbows are bent to decrease the angle of the joint

What does extension do in relation to muscle movements?


What muscles decrease the angle between the bones of a joint?

Flexors decrease the angles . Extensorsincrease the angles.

What is a shortened distance between bone is called?

In normal anatomy, flexion is the movement that decreases the angle between the bones that form a joint. A pathological decrease within the joint of the distance between two bones may be termed a "loss of joint space."

What are the 5 muscle movements?

1) Flexion: bending a joint to decrease the angle between two bones or two body parts.2) Extension: straitening and extending of the joint to increase the angle between two bones or body parts.3) Abduction: Moving the body part away from the body.4) Adduction: moving the body part toward the mid-line of the body.5) Rotation: Moving the body part around its axis.