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Q: Does mitosis start with one diploid cell?
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How many cells does mitosis start with?

mitosis start with one cell and finish with 2 identical cells

Are cells diploid or haploid at the end of cell division?

They are haploid. As meosis produces sex cells (sperm and eggs) they must have half the genetic material, so when fertilisation occurs the gamete formed has one full set of chromosomes, it is diploid.

How many diploid and haploid cells are made during mitosis?

This is a complicated question..There are a few things that we must clarifyThe basic definition of mitosis: The division of a cell where the daughter cells (cells resulting from this form of duplication) are genetically identical to that of the mother cell (or original cell).Mitosis is what we generally consider to occur in somatic cells (of animals). Somatic cells are all the cells of the human body that are not involved in reproduction, so basically they are everything except gametes.Somatic cells are largely diploid, so they have a complete set of all the DNA you inherited. With this information we can understand the answer to this question. In a single process of mitosis, where only one division occurs, a somatic cell (diploid) will divide into two genetically identical daughter cells (meaning they are also diploid).That said, these are the products of mitosis in a somatic cell:1 Diploid somatic cell + Mitosis = 2 Diploid somatic cells (daughters) genetically identical to the parent (parent)However, theoretically, if the parent is haploid, then mitosis still works to duplicate the DNA that was available in the original. So, in this case 2 haploid daughter cells would be produced because this was the nature of the parent cell.

Name the type of cell division described by 2n to 2n?

Human body cells that are 2n are called "diploid"

Is a stomach cell a haploid or a diploid cell?

All of the cells in a human body, including the stomach are diploid. There is one cell that is not diploid and that is the sex cell. It is haploid.

Related questions

is mitosis different or similar to haploid or diploid?

Mitosis results in one diploid cell dividing into two genetically identical diploid daughter cells.

How many cells are pproduced from one parents cell?

In a typical somatic cell, mitosis produces one diploid "daughter" cell from one diploid parent cell. In a gametic cell, meiosis produces 4 haploid "daughter" cells from one diploid parent cell.

What cell contains two of each kind of chromosomes?

A diploid cell is a cell that contains two copies of each chromosome: one from a maternal source and the other is paternal. This occurs in the process of mitosis or the cell division (also called reproduction) of body cells (any cell except the gametes). Diploid cells and the process of mitosis are responsible for growth, cell replacement, and cell/tissue repair.

What process forms two diploid cells?

A haploid cell only contains 23 chromosomes, whilst a diploid cell contains 23 x 2 chromosomes. When an egg cell (haploid) and a sperm cell (haploid) merge, a diploid cell is formed. Added: Called a zygote.

How Many diploid cells result from the cell cycle?

one diploid cell normally yields two cells in one cell cycle. These, from the start, are haploid, but later they synthetise second set of genome thus being diploid.

How many cells does mitosis start with?

mitosis start with one cell and finish with 2 identical cells

Are cells diploid or haploid at the end of cell division?

They are haploid. As meosis produces sex cells (sperm and eggs) they must have half the genetic material, so when fertilisation occurs the gamete formed has one full set of chromosomes, it is diploid.

How many diploid and haploid cells are made during mitosis?

This is a complicated question..There are a few things that we must clarifyThe basic definition of mitosis: The division of a cell where the daughter cells (cells resulting from this form of duplication) are genetically identical to that of the mother cell (or original cell).Mitosis is what we generally consider to occur in somatic cells (of animals). Somatic cells are all the cells of the human body that are not involved in reproduction, so basically they are everything except gametes.Somatic cells are largely diploid, so they have a complete set of all the DNA you inherited. With this information we can understand the answer to this question. In a single process of mitosis, where only one division occurs, a somatic cell (diploid) will divide into two genetically identical daughter cells (meaning they are also diploid).That said, these are the products of mitosis in a somatic cell:1 Diploid somatic cell + Mitosis = 2 Diploid somatic cells (daughters) genetically identical to the parent (parent)However, theoretically, if the parent is haploid, then mitosis still works to duplicate the DNA that was available in the original. So, in this case 2 haploid daughter cells would be produced because this was the nature of the parent cell.

Name the type of cell division described by 2n to 2n?

Human body cells that are 2n are called "diploid"

When a cell splits into two genetically identical daughter cells?

cell division: the process of interphase and mitosis makes one cell into two new ones with identical DNA interphase prepares the cell for mitosis mitosis includes prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and cytokinesis

Is a stomach cell a haploid or a diploid cell?

All of the cells in a human body, including the stomach are diploid. There is one cell that is not diploid and that is the sex cell. It is haploid.

What type of cells does mitosis create?

Mitosis produce somatic cells,In the sense that it produces cells in the body. However, mitosis does not complete the cell multiplying process. It is the second stage.