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Resonance occurs in the outer ear and is a function of the length of the auditory canal, wherein some frequencies are enhanced by combinatorial properties of other incoming frequencies - the frequency reinforced the most is termed the 'resonant frequency' of the canal.

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Q: Does resonance occur in the middle ear?
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In what part of the ear do most infections occur?

There are three spots it can occur. Outer, middle, and inner. The most common is the middle.

Mastoiditis can occur when an infection in what area of the ear is left untreated?

Mastoiditis may occur due to the progression of an untreated, or undertreated, middle ear infection.

When does resonance occurs?

Resonance can occur when an object vibrates at another objects resonant frequency.

Which region of the ear does resonance allow the brain to interpret sounds?

The outer ear region adds resonance to the speech range of sounds and aids the brain in interpreting the locations of sounds.

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The infections occur because the muscles of the palate do not open the Eustachian tubes that drain the middle ear

Where does resonance occur?

Resonance can occur in any solid material where the frequency of oscillation in the material is equal to the natural frequency of the material.

What are the three parts of the ear and what structures are located in each part?

You have external ear, middle ear and the internal ear. You have the auricle and the ear canal is there in the external ear. Then you have a ear drum, that separates external ear from the middle ear. In the middle ear, you have three tiny bones. Eustachian canal is there in the middle ear. Then you have oval and round window to separate the middle ear from internal ear. In the internal ear, you have vestibulocochlear apparatus and the vestbulocochlear nerve is there.

In a damped free excitation system when does maximum amplitude occur?

it will occur just before the resonance.

Does the sense of balance occur in ossicles?

The ossicles are the three tiny bones in the middle ear that transmit sound vibrations. The sense of balance occurs in the fluid environment of the inner ear.

What is the term for an infection of the middle ear caused by a bacteria or virus?

Otitis media is the term used for an infection of the middle ear. Oti- means ear; -tis means inflammation and med- means middle. This infection occurs between the tympanic membrane (ear drum) and the inner ear. Either bacterial infections, which include Staph, or viral infections, due to Influenza, are causes. Fungal infections also occur.

Does The oval window separate the middle ear from the inner ear?

The oval window is part of the middle ear but in theory, yes it does separate the middle ear from the inner ear.

Why are myringtomies performed less on adults?

because adults benefit from certain changes in the anatomy of the middle ear that occur after childhood. In particular, the adult ear is less likely to accumulate fluid