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Q: Does the ANS contain both sensory and motor neurons?
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Does a mixed nerve contain both sensory and motor neurons?

Yes, "Mixed nerves" of the peripheral nervous system contain both sensory and motor fibers

Are the limbs innervated by the motor and sensory neurons?

Yes, the limbs are innervated by both motor and sensory neurons.

Types of neurons found in mixed nerves?

Both sensory and motor neurons......

What is the similarities of neurons and motor neurons?

Functionally, neurons come in three varieties; motor neurons, sensory neurons and interneurons. Motor neurons conduct motor impulses from the CNS to the muscles. Sensory neurons conduct motor impulses from the rest of the body to the CNS. Interneurons connect the sensory to the motor so we can respond to incoming sensory stimuli.

Mixed nerve house?

Both sensory and motor neurons...

Can a nerve fibre and nerve both carry sensory and motor impulses?

There are the Mixed Nerves in the spinal column that carry both sensory and motor nerves, but these neurons have 2 different jobs that they do,& I know of no neurons doing both as the impulses travel to 2 different locations which couldn't be done at the same time.

A mixed nerve contains which type of nerves?

a mixed nerve carry both motor and sensory nerves

How many types of neurons?

There are three types of neurons. 1.Sensory neurons: which carry impulses from the sense organs to the brain and spinal cord. 2.Motor neurons : which perform an opposite function to that of sensory neurons by carrying impulses from the brain and spinal cord to muscles and glands. 3. Inter neurons : which connect sensory and motor neurons and carry impulses between them.

Can atomic neurons be sensory or afferent neurons?

I believe you mean autonomic neurons (part of the ANS) and yes, they can be sensory neurons. Sensory neurons are the same as afferent neurons--meaning they carry signals towards the CNS. Think as afferent as 'approaching'. Anyhow, these neurons sense the conditions of your visceral organs and whatnot. Other wise it would have no information to judge for what signals to send. So yes, autonomic neurons consist of both sensory (afferent) and motor (efferent) neurons.

Are dorsal and ventral rami similar in that they both contain sensory and motor fiber?

ventral rami

Do inter neurons intervene between the sensory inputs and motor outputs?

One neuron is there to connect the both. Together they form the reflex arc. cw: Sure, why not?

What does the nervous system use to relay on messages to the body?

Sensory Neurons- they detect stimuli and transmit signals to the brain and the spinal cord, which are both made up of interneurons