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Q: Does the Glomerular filtrate has a composition similar to tissue fluid?
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What is the urine-producing unit in the kidney called?

Nephrons. This includes the glomerulus where the blood stream encounters a connective tissue filter, the loop of Henle where the filtrate is concentrated and salts are exchanged and the collecting duct into which urine is collected.

What role does the lamina demsa play in the renal corpuscle?

The lamina densa is a component of the glomerular basement membrane (GBM) in the renal corpuscle. It provides structural support and acts as a filtration barrier, preventing the passage of large molecules like proteins from the blood into the glomerular filtrate. It also helps maintain the integrity and function of the renal corpuscle by separating the glomerular endothelial cells and podocytes.

Ratio of body fat to lean body tissue is what?

muscle composition, body composition, physical composition, or flexible composition

What are the 2 forms of bone composition?

compact bone tissue and spongy bone tissue

Why can blood be seen as tissue?

By definition a tissue is a group of similar cells that act in a similar way.

What are tissue made out of?

It is a replacement tissue in an injured tissue, which is made up of connective tissue reguardless of whether the injury was in fact on the epithelium level. It is considered non-funtional because it does not carry out the function of the tissue that was replaced.

What are group of cells that have a similar shape and functin?

tissue? tissue?

Which connective tissue make up tendon and ligaments?

fibrocartilageThey are fibrous dense connective tissue.Collagen is the most common component of tendons and ligaments.Connective tissue.Dense regular collagenousFibrous connective tissue and they are comprised mainly of collagen. They are also similar in composition to fasciae which connect muscle to muscle.

A group of similar cells that perform a particular function?

A group of similar cells that perform a certain task is called as a tissue.

A group of cells thet preform a similar fuction is called?

A group of cells grouped together to perform a similar function is a tissue. FOr example, all of your mucels perform a similar function. The muscles are actually tissues consisting of a group of similar cells.

When cells that are similar in structure and function join together they form?

Groups of similar cells working together for a similar function are called tissues. The four tissue types are; connective, nervous, epithelial, and muscular.tissuesTissues

What is loose connective tissue that is full of fat cells is called?

Pretty sure it's called Adipose tissue (fatty composition)