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The diaphragm regulates respiration - so both inhalation and exhalation. I reccomend this nt be placed in radiology as it is at the time of this writing.

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Q: Does the diaphragm deal with inspiration or expiration?
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What is the main function of the internal and extercostal muscles?

They assist the diaphragm with inspiration and expiration.

What is the importance of the characteristic of diaphragm in relation to its function during gas exchanges?

Normal inspiration and expiration is directly related to contraction and relaxation of the diaphragm. This is involuntary act, normally.

What is the interval between expiration and inspiration?

Interval between expiration and inspiration

What is the diaphragm muscle and the chest muscles are used for?

Breathing. These muscles are used to change the pressure in the chest so air can flow in and out of the lungs (on inspiration and expiration).

What is the difference between normal inspiration and expiration and forced inspiration and expiration?

my wang

What muscle is the prime mover of inspiration?

The Diaphragm.

What are the actions from the constructions in respiratory muscles?

Muscles of inspiration include: diaphragm, scalenes, pectoralis minor, and external intercostals. The muscles of expiration include: abdominals and internal intercostals.

Inspiration not equal to expiration?

Inspiration should equal to expiration;IE ratio and IT , inspiration equals tidal volume. It means that the patient is having trouble breathing.

Does emphysema make inspiration or expiration more difficult?

Yes, in asthma, bronchitis, emphysema expiration is difficult than inspiration..

An unpaired muscle that acts with the muscle to accomplish inspiration?

Inspiration is due to the contraction of the diaphragm and external intercostal muscles.

How do pressure changes within the chest cavity cause inspiration and expiration?

The diaphragm contracts, causing the lungs to expand. This creates a 'pressure difference' and air fills the lungs. When the diaphragm relaxes, it 'squeezes'[ the lungs, forcing the unabsorbed air (and waste gasses) back out again.

What muscles is utilized for inspiration?

Mainly the diaphragm.