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No. It depends on the concentration of carbon dioxide in the alveoli and the blood. The concentration of carbon dioxide in the capillaries of the alveoli is higher than the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air, so carbon dioxide in the capillaries of the alveoli diffuses out of the capillaries into the alveoli of the lungs and is exhaled.

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11y ago
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11y ago

Oxygen diffuses into the blood in the alveoli, and carbon dioxide diffuses out of the blood here too. Efficient diffusion is caused by having a thin diffusion distance, high concentration difference and large surface area (of the alveoli), this all means a fast rate of diffusion.

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12y ago

Gas exchange; carbon dioxide and oxygen, occurs in the alveoli

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Q: Does the exchange of carbon dioxide depend on the concentration of oxygen in the alveoli and the blood?
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What is the Diffusion of gases between alveoli and blood?

The Diffusion is the exchange of oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) between the alveoli and the blood. So blood that is pumping through the capillaries in the lungs has a low concentration of O2 and a high concentration of CO2, in the alveoli it is high concentration O2 low concentration CO2. Therefore the 2 gases exchange across the alveoli membrane by diffusion trying to establish a concentration gradient.

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The tiny air sacs of the lungs were oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged are the alveoli.

What gases can you infer are being exchange in the alveoli?

Oxygen and carbon dioxide

Where does gas exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen happen?

In the alveoli which is in the lungs

In the lungs is carbon dioxide more concentrated in the alveoli or in the blood?

In the lungs, carbon dioxide is concentrated more in the blood. The alveoli keeps the carbon dioxide at a lower level than in the blood.

By what process does the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide take place?

capillaries and the alveoli

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Waste product given off in the gas exchange between air and blood in the alveoli?

Carbon Dioxide. (CO2 )