

Does the spleen cause problems

Updated: 6/8/2024
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It can

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Yes, the spleen can cause problems if it becomes enlarged (splenomegaly) or if it is injured. Common conditions affecting the spleen include infections, such as mononucleosis, and blood disorders like sickle cell anemia. In some cases, a ruptured spleen may necessitate surgery.

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It is unlikely for the Heimlich maneuver to cause the spleen to rupture. The Heimlich maneuver is a safe and effective technique to dislodge foreign objects from a choking person's airway. However, if excessive force is applied, it could potentially cause injury to the spleen, but this is rare.

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Malaria commonly causes enlargement of liver and spleen. Enlargement of the spleen can be enormous. ( Upto umbilicus can be found. At times larger than this.) Spleen does not rupture due to enlargement. But then small blow to upper and outer or central abdomen can cause rupture of spleen and death.

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Some symptoms of problems with the spleen and lymph nodes are itching, fever, chills, and swollen lymph nodes.

Can a ruptured spleen cause your appendix to become bad?

No, a ruptured spleen does not directly cause the appendix to become inflamed or infected. Appendicitis is typically caused by a blockage in the appendix, leading to inflammation and infection. Ruptured spleen is a separate medical emergency that requires immediate attention.

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Yes to all. Though it would usually take large doses or chronic use. More often than not, it is not the drug but what it was "cut with," i.e. other chemicals that were mixed in with the drug to increase weight, that cause the most problems.

What is the most common cause of blunt traumatic injury to the spleen?

The most common cause of blunt traumatic injury to the spleen is motor vehicle accidents. Other causes include falls, assaults, and sports-related injuries.

Can drinking mess up your spleen?

Essentially drinking can mess up a persons spleen. This is because excessive drinking can damage the liver which causes Cirrhosis. Cirrhosis can cause an enlarged spleen.

Do dogs have a spleen?

Yes, they do. Dogs can also develop problems with their spleens.