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Yes. The sternum is a flat bone. Flat bones have two layers of compact bone with diploe in between the compact bone. Diploe is the layer of spongy bone.

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Q: Does the stenum has two layers of compact bone with a layer of spongy bone sandwiched in between?
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Related questions

Do flat bones consist of compact bones sandwiched between spongy bones?

No. Flat bones consist of spongy bone sandwiched between compact bone.

Do flat bones consist of compact bone sandwiched between spongy bone?

The compact bone surrounds the spongy bone and provides structure for the body.

What layer of bone is called the diploe?

spongy layer between the compact bone layers of the edges of flat bones

What three layers within the femur?

the three layers are.... compact bone spongy bone bone marrow

What are the three layers of bones?

bone marrow compact bone spongy bone

What are the layers of the human femur?

Compact Bone, Spongy Bone, Bone Marrow

What are three layers within the femur?

the three layers are.... compact bone spongy bone bone marrow

What is between the two bones?

spongy and compact

What are the bone layers jobs?

There are 4 layers of a bone the periosteum , compact bone , spongy bone or cancellus , and bone marrow.

Is the compact bone spongy?

Actually the compact bone isn't spongy at all, the compact bone is a tough layer making the bone neither too rigid or too brittle. So the compact bone is not spongy. Spongy bone, like its name is spongy.

What category of the bone is composed of two layers of compact bone sandwhichng a layer of spongy bone?


What are the structural differences between compact bone and spongy bone?

The compact bone has a continuous matrix with no gaps while the spongy bone has numerous branching bony plates. The irregular connecting spaces between the plates help reduce the bone's weight in the spongy bone.