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duplicate its DNA, chromosome and produce protein..

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Q: During interphase a cell grows duplicates organelles and?
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What happends during interphase?

During Interphase the cell grows to its mature size, makes a copy of its DNA, and prepares to divide into two cells.

What happens during G1 of interphase?

cell grows and carries out its normal functions.

Interphase is a period of?

It's the period when DNA is replicated or duplicated.

What is the name of the period between one mitosis and the next?

Interphase, which is further made up of G1 (G:Gap), S (S:Synthesis), G2, and sometimes G0 phases.

How do eukaryotic cells produce new cells?

There are three main phases, Interphase, Mitosis, and Cytokinesis. Interphase is the longest, but is just preparation for the splitting. During Interphase, a cell duplicates DNA, makes more organelles, and grows bigger. During Mitosis, a cell's DNA condenses into chromosomes then are pushed into the middle of the cell by spindle fibers. The chromosomes are split into chromatids, and then are pushed into different sides of the cell. The cell membrane pinches in the middle, and eventually, the cell splits into two cells. However in a plant cell, a cell plate grows in the middle of the two cells and eventually becomes part of the cell wall.

What occurs during a cell in interphase?

During interphase the cell grows, carries out metabolism, and if it will reproduce, it replicates its DNA.

What occurs during the interphase?

The cell grows larger and increases the number of organelles in it. DNA is replicated semi conservatively. In summary, the cell prepares itself for the next nuclear division.

What is an active period when a cell grows DNA replicates and new organelles form?

The active period when a cell grows, DNA replicates, and new organelles form is called the interphase. Interphase is the longest phase in the cell cycle where the cell prepares for division by growing in size, duplicating its DNA, and producing new organelles to ensure that each resulting daughter cell receives the necessary components for survival and functionality.

During which phase of mitosis does the genetic material replicate?

I hope by genetic code you mean DNA, and that's what I'm basing this question off of. Actually the DNA doesn't duplicate in mitosis; it duplicates in interphase, specifically synthase (S Phase).

What is the cell preparing to do in interphase?

it replicates an exact copy of the DNA within the cell and stores ATP energy ready for division

What happens during interphase?

the chromosomes are duplicated.

The cell grows to its mature size during?

it is eather mitosis, prophase, telophase, or interphase