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During osmosis water moves in and out of the cell equally in both directions.

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Q: During osmosis which direction does the water move into the cell out of the cell or does it move in and put equally?
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What molecules move during osmosis?

water molecules move during osmosis

Osmosis always involves the movement of what?

Osmosis always involves the movement of water. During osmosis water will move in and out of the cell or membrane.

What is the direction of net osmosis?

Osmosis is the passage of water from the region of high water concentration through a semi permeable membrane to a region of low water concentration. The direction of movement is from area of higher water concentration to area of lower water concentration.

What molecules move across during osmosis?

The only molecules that move during osmosis are water (H2O) molecules.

What will happen to the water in the capillary tube during the investigation of osmosis?

It will increase due to osmosis

Describe the water molecules move through the cell membrane during osmosis?

Describe how water molecules move through the cell membrane during osmosis?

What is the direction of the water movement of animal cell?

Osmosis the the movement of water from where it is higher concentration to where it is in lower concentration.

What direction do molecules of osmosis move?

Osmosis is not a molecule. It is the flow of water through cell membranes from areas of high concentration to areas of low concentration.

What direction does water travel in osmosis?

To an area of lower concentration to even the concentration of both sides out.

Where will water move during osmosis?

Water moves through the membrane towards the side that has a higher dissolved solute concentration. Another way to look at it is that the water moves in the direction that results in equal concentrations on both sides of the membrane.

What does not occur during osmosis?

Well, considering osmosis is a very specific process for desalinating water, there are an infinite number of things that are not occuring during this process. For example, the big bang could not be occuring during osmosis because otherwise it would blow the entire universe apart, which clearly does no happen. One other example of something that does not occur during osmosis, is the combustion of water. In fact, it is nearly impossible for this to occur under any circumstances let alone during osmosis.

What material diffuses across the cell membrane during osmosis?

Osmosis is the movement of WATER from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration through a semi-permeable membrane. So water is exchanged during osmosis.