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Without knowing what the functions are a person will have difficulty knowing which are specialized for epithelial cells. Including the functions would insure that a person will provide the correct answer.

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Q: Epithelial cells are specialized for all the following functions?
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What is the function of epithelial cell in animal cells?

Epithelial cells have several functions. They line, protect, and form different glands. Epithelial cells have three shapes: flattened, cube, and elongated.

Human cheek cells are epithelial cells which are highly specialized for protection List some of the functions that these cells cannot carry out?

Human cells reproduce by making a copy of itself and then splitting itself in to two different new cells.

What type of epithelial tissue does the liver?

No. These are the cells that make up most of the liver's tissue and preform specialized liver functions. They contain organelles.

What are Cells that have their own unique structures and functions?

It is called a differentiation

What is an epithelial membrane?

the epithelial system is a system in your body. It is made from Skin cells. A group of skin cells make epithelial tissue. Epithelial tissue makes the epithelial system.

Collections of specialized cells and cell products that perform a relatively limited number of functions are called?

A collection of specialized cell and cell products that perform a relatively limited number of functions is called a tissue. The three types of tissue are connective, epithelial and muscle tissue.

What are some specialized cells in plants and animals?

connective, muscular, nervous, & epithelial.

What is the nail plate produced by?

The nail plate is produced by living skin cells ( specialized epithelial cells)

Which of the following is NOT a function of epithelial cells A secreting hormones B protection C movement of materials in and out of the body D none of the above?

D) none of the above. All of the listed functions are performed by epithelial cells.

Difference between striated squamous epithelial tissue and squamous epithelial tissue?

Saquamous cells are flat cells. Single cell layer of these squamous cells is called saqumous cell epithelium. The stratified epithelium means formed of layers [strata] of cells which may or may not be squamous cells. The functions of these layers are different.

What are two kinds of cells that perform specialized functions in humans?

Neurons, sarcomeres, osteoblasts, and cardiac muscle cells all have specialized functions performed by no other cells.

What two kinds of cells that perform specialized functions in humans?

Neurons, sarcomeres, osteoblasts, and cardiac muscle cells all have specialized functions performed by no other cells.