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Ok, first you start out with the sperm fertilizing the egg, making eventually a two cell embryo. During mitosis, each embryo divides in two making four embryos. This is the process of mitosis. The embryos make up a fetus, and as the fetus develops, it comes closer and closer to birth. Finally, a baby is born and it grows into an adult. Then the adult starts the cycle all over again with the fertilization of the egg.

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Q: Explain the human life cycle and the roles of meiosis and mitosis?
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Related questions

How do the results of mitosis and meiosis differ?

the amount of chromosomes in a cell. meiosis is used in sexual reproduction and mitosis is just making more cells. chromosomes in a human after meiosis=24; mitosis=48.

Can mutation be passed along to human offspring through meiosis and mitosis?

Mutations can be passed down to offspring through meiosis, not mitosis.

Is meiosis a part of cell cycle?

It depends, Meiosis is part of the sex cells cycle (Sperm and Egg) but it requires sexual reproduction (2 parents) as apposed to all the other human cell's way of reproduction, Mitosis. Meiosis is how a sex cell divides, so it is part of the sex cell's cell cycle, but not all cells

Does human cell divide through binary fission?

No, human cells divide by mitosis and meiosis.

Can human cells perform mitosis?

all cells perform mitosis, except sex cells which perform meiosis

Do human use mitosis or miosis?

Humans use both- mitosis to grow, meiosis to form sex cells for reproduction.

How are meiosis and mitosis alike and different?

Mitosis and meiosis are alike in that they both are a kind of cell division. They are different in that mitosis produces two cells identical to the original, while meiosis produces cells that only have half the chromosomes of the original. Meiosis ends up with haploid cells, while mitosis end up with diploid cells.

How many chromosomes will be found in each daughter cell after mitosis?

46 chromosomes will be found in a human daughter cell after mitosis, 23 chromosomes will be found after meiosis.

Why do sexual reproductiong organism needs both mitosis and meiosis?

Meiosis is also termed as reduction division. first the diploid(2n) gamete undergoes meiosis to become haploid(1n) then fertilization takes place. For growth and development mitosis is necessary. Meiosis is needed to half the chromosomes number . For example in human there are 46 chromosomes. if fertilization takes place without meiosis then the resulting organism would have 92 chromosomes which off course will not be a human!

Process in which one cell divides to make two?

It is mitosis i am happy if i answered your question

Do all cells go through mitosis?

All cells in the human body go through mitosis except, the gametes. The gametes are the sex cells and they go through a process called meiosis.

Organs repair themselves through a process of?

Mitosis. Meiosis is when sex cells (eggs/sperm) reproduce.