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Cell respiration is contolled by enzymes in order to prevent an explosion-like release of energy that could be fatal to a cell. Instead, the enzymes (cytochromes in the ETC) allow for a controlled release of energy that goes on to form the H+ gradient that synthesizes ATP.

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Q: Explain why cell respiration is controlled by enzymes?
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A biological pathway is a specific sequence of chemical reactions. It is controlled by the proteins found in the cells.

What An important part of cell respiration is the role of because of thir involvement with regulation?

enzymes-B Ramon C.

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It is called the mitochondria.It is a vital organell.

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Respiratory substrates like carb., proteins or fats and oxygen in a living cell containing several enzymes in cytoplasm and mitochondria.

What function do co-enzymes have in respiration?

Coenzyme-A is the most active metabolic enzyme in the human body. Fermentation is a process whereby a cell can achieve redox balance.

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Mitochondria is double membraned!It is known as power house of cell it contain enzymes for production of energy by respiration.

How many enzymes are in one cell?

There are lots of enzymes in a cell, and from cell to cell, it varies how much enzymes each has. Also some cells make enzymes and secrete it outside.

What statements best describes cellular respiration?

It converts energy in food into a more usable form. (Cellular Respiration-The enzyme-controlled process in which energy is released from food and converted into a form that the cell can use.)