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spindle fiber

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Spindle fibers. They help separate chromosomes during cell division by attaching to the centromeres of each chromosome and pulling them to opposite poles of the cell.

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Q: Fiibers extending from cell pole to cell pole are called what?
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It is called the pole vault pit.

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At each pole of a cell during cell division, there are half the number of chromosomes compared to the original cell. This is because the chromosomes have replicated during interphase, so each pole will have a full set of chromosomes once cell division is complete.

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This statement is incorrect. Magnetic field lines always form closed loops, extending from one pole, curving around, and returning to the opposite pole in a magnet.

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The North Pole is also known as the Geographic North Pole or the True North Pole.

What is the end of a magnet called?

A pole. They are called the north pole and south pole. The north pole of a magnet is defined as the pole that, when the magnet is freely suspended, points towards the Earth's North Magnetic Pole in the Arctic.