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Well if you were to take your clothes off in the middle off the street you could get arrested

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Genetic variety in cells is created through sexual reproduction. Any other form of reproduction will create identical copies of the parent.

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Q: Genetic variety in cells is created through?
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Functions of cells include?

Cells have a large variety of functions. They include housing genetic material, using DNA as a blueprint and most importantly surviving.

How is viral genetic material inserted into animal cells-?

the entire virus is engulfed through phagocytosis.

What genetic process is believed to account for the variety of cellular structures and functions in eukaryotic cells?

variable gene activity

Do protists have genetic material?

yes, DNA is found in the Nucleoid Region, then there are Plasmids, which also contain genetic material.

Bacterial cells do not have a genetic material?

no, bacterial cells do not have genetic material

Genetic recombination generates diversity in what part of the immune system?

Genetic recombination is a major factor contributing to cell-mediated immunity. Different B cells and T cells are able to recognize a wide variety of targets because of the genetic recombination they undergo in developmental stages.

In cells structure that contains the cells genetic material and controls the cells activities?

Which structure contains a eukaryotic cells genetic material

How many cells are created through mitosis?

After cytokinesis, there are two cells.

What do cell make other cells through?

New cells are created by existing cells through the process known as cell division.

How does meiosis create variation?

Meiosis creates genetic variation through the production of 4 haploid daughter cells, each with random genetic combinations. Meiosis also creates genetic variation through the process called crossing over, where chromosome segments are exchanged.

What can make a copy of itself?

In all bodies, there two kinds of cells: sexual cells (espermatozoa and ovums) that combine through a process called meiosis to create a new cell with genetic properties from both of them. The meiosis give us life because of the unlimited variety of genetic binds and it only happens during the sex. And the other kind is the other cells called somatical cells that copy themselves through a process called mitosis. The cell divides in 2 "cells-children" with the same DNA than their "mother". The mitosis happens during all our life when a cell is dying and divides itself to keep the number.

How is genetic material organize in eukaryotic cells?

The genetic material of eukaryotic cells is organized in chromosomes.The genetic material of a cell contains information needed for the cells' growth and other activities. When a cell divides into 2 new cells, each new cell receives a full set of genetic material. The genetic material in cells is contained in DNA molecules. Source: "Cells and Heredity" (Biology book)