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The atomic radius decreases across a period from left to right and

increases down in a given group. That means that since the lower the element is in a group, the larger the atomic radius will be. The atoms with the largest atomic radii are located in Group I and are at the bottom of groups.

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13y ago

Not necessarily.

As you move from left to right across a row on the periodic table the radius actually decreases due to a stronger pull from the nucleus. As you move down a column on the Periodic Table, however, the radius gets larger. so while potassium has a larger radius then bromine, rubidium has a larger radius then potassium.

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Q: Given any two elements within a group is the element with the larger atomic number likely to have a larger or smaller atomic radius than the other element?
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nitrogen- .70 angstroms (oxygen- .66 angstroms)

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He has the smaller atomic size. Fluorine has the larger atomic size from these 3. He is a noble gas.

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What are the three exceptions in the periodic table?

This question is a little bit cryptic. I think I can decipher what it means though. When Mendeleev introduced his periodic law, he expressed it in something like these terms:If the elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic weight, there is a periodic recurrence of elements with similar properties.Now in Mendeleev's time -- around 1870 -- not all of the natural elements were known, and even for those that were, not all atomic weights were known accurately enough.When Mendeleev produced his second periodic table in 1871-- a table of elements arranged so that the periodic recurrence of similar elements could easily be seen, he had to make some "adjustments" to the atomic weight values that were generally accepted at the time. In most cases he was right to say that the accepted atomic weights were wrong, but in one case he was quite wrong about an atomic weight. The atomic weight of tellurium, a rare element that belongs in the sulfur family proved to be significantly larger than that of iodine, which belongs in the chlorine family. It simply did not fit with the periodic lawas Mendeleev understood it.By the year 1900, this anomaly had been joined by two others: nickel and cobalt, and argon and potassium.In 1913 an English chemist/physicist, Moseley, discovered the atomic number, and the modern version of the periodic law says thatIf the elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic number, there is a periodic recurrence of elements with similar properties.Usually, an element with larger atomic number has a larger atomic weight, but there are just these three examples where this is not the case.• Element 18, argon, has atomic weight 39.95, but element 19, potassium has atomic weight 39.10• Element 27, cobalt, has atomic weight 58.93, but element 28, nickel, has atomic weight 58.71• Element 52, tellurium, has atomic weight 127.60, but element 53, iodine, has atomic weight 126.90I think that these are probably the "three exceptions" that your question is referring to.

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Atomic fusion occurs when masses combine to form elements with larger mass.